"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Hopefully all our efforts have not been banking on a lifetime of youthful beauty.
As I continue in my endeavors to go deeper and deeper with Christ, it has been no secret that distractions are perhaps one of the greatest setbacks in such a task. Today, it was as if I were hit with a tidal wave of reality:
Our world -- culture -- society
is so saturated with things that cater to the flesh,
it's no wonder that it's so difficult
to get to the heart of God.
I began to think of all the things that are normal, every day occurrences, only to find that so many of them are feeding the appetites of our flesh. Take for example, exercise. Exercise is a good thing. It's good to be healthy and fit. But haven't many become obsessed with it to the point of being in the gym day after day after day - expelling all their energy - making it their #1 priority to have the most buff body imaginable? Hey! I'm not saying it's wrong to have a disciplined workout routine. But isn't it catering to the flesh? Isn't it about ME? How I can look better? Me-Me-Me is always a clear sign that the flesh is being fed.
Joyce Meyer says it best
when she does her robot impression...
"What about me? What about me? What about me?"
Take diet and nutrition. Another matter of great importance. But how many have found themselves in bondage to pursuing the perfect body? What about clothes shopping? Clothes are certainly a necessity. It's a good thing to be presentable. But is it a necessity to wear the hottest fashions of the season at such an outrageous expense? Why is it so important? Is it to be RECOGNIZED? Is it to be ACCEPTED? Is it to look better than everyone else? Hmmm. The list could go on and on and on.
So here's my point: As I find my journey going deeper and deeper with Christ, I am realizing that I must shed more and more things in my life. There's no room for them. They get in the way of my goal. They contradict what it is I'm trying to do.
As I get closer to the heartbeat of God, I'm realizing that it's all about Him... not me! And somehow the goal is not how I can be recognized -- but how can He be recognized in me. And it has nothing to do with acceptance. In fact, the Bible makes it clear that just as Christ was rejected, so will I be in my endeavor to lift Him up for all to see.
As I get closer to the heartbeat of God, I'm realizing that it's all about Him... not me! And somehow the goal is not how I can be recognized -- but how can He be recognized in me. And it has nothing to do with acceptance. In fact, the Bible makes it clear that just as Christ was rejected, so will I be in my endeavor to lift Him up for all to see.
Please understand that I'm not telling you all this to try to generate some sort of conviction of the soul from you. No! This is my chosen journey, not yours. I'm just telling you the way it is. I've promised you honesty. Why is it that every Christian isn't going deeper and deeper with Christ? Because there's a cost involved. It costs you your life.
Oh it's wonderful! And it's worth it! But it makes the "Tough Mudder" obstacle coarse look like a playground for kindergardeners -- spiritually speaking. (No offense to my athletic friends... I'm just painting a picture here.)
Yes, I am attempting to shed those things that hinder, that I might go the full course that He has set for me. Please pray for me that in my weakness, He'll be strong! Pray that I will stay focused on Christ and stay the course. I've come so far in these RED shoes of mine...
Ahhhh. I can hear some of you whispering, "Legalism!"
That thought crossed my own mind. But no -- there is freedom in Christ. Hallelujah! But to go deeper... well, that's another story. It's like Jules' Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. When they started on their journey, they wore clothing suitable for the challenge, but as they got deeper, the climate changed and things got hot. They had to shed many of their garments because they were unsuitable for the remainder of the journey.
I know many would turn back at this point. But I cannot. I am too close to finding the heart of God. So you may see me and my hair may not be the latest style or prettiest color. My body may not be in the best of shape. My clothes may appear rather plain and out-dated. My car may not be the flashiest. Even my purse may seem rather lean. I'm sure, I may appear rather simple and somewhat plain... but if that's all it takes to get to the heart of God...
I'm going for it!
Perhaps that's what Paul the Apostle meant when he said,
"...let us throw off everything that hinders
and the sin that so easily entangles
and let us run with perseverance
the race marked out for us.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,
the author and perfecter of our faith..."
Hebrews 12:1b-2a

There's no turning back now!
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