It's time for a Holy Ghost Road Trip!
With my suitcases packed and ready by the front door, my daughter Grace laid her hands on me and prayed a powerful blessing for God to move in these next few days. I am off with my girlfriends to pay a visit to Mama Fire in Rome, Georgia and attend her "Daughters of Destiny" conference.
It is sure to be life-changing! Before I knew it, Bonnie's car pulled up, my bags were in the back, and off we went. First stop... Carolyn and Jim's house to pick up Nancy, another road warrior.

I hated that we had to leave so soon. What's going on with my friend, Jim? Yes... the doctors took good care of him in the hospital, but I think Dr. Jesus did a little surgery Himself. (He is the Great Physician!) I will talk with Jim some more when I return.
We weren't on the road long, when Nancy showed us a book she's reading. It's entitled, Free in Christ: Your Complete Handbook on the Ministry of Deliverance by Pablo Bottari. As I flipped through the pages and read the table of contents, the girls suggested we read it out loud and discuss it as we drive. Since Bonnie was driving, I was designated to be the reader. The hours flew by as we soaked up about half the book. It's message is powerful, to say the least.
After riding a few hours, the cars in front of us began to slow down significantly. TRAFFIC JAM! Fortunately, we were able to exit the highway fairly quickly and stopped for lunch. Even then, traffic was still at a standstill, so we took a little detour and caught up with the highway further north where the cars were once again moving. Later we stopped again for gas. And then another time so Bonnie and I could switch seats so I could drive for a couple hours.
Things were going along great when suddenly the cars in front of me came to a complete stop. Another TRAFFIC JAM! I noticed an exit just ahead, but it was one of those exits with little to no gas stations or restaurants. I hate those exits because you never know where they will lead. Sometimes they bring you on a mysterious ride to "No Man's Land." We were going to try and keep going, but at the very last second possible, we turned off the exit.
A pit stop wasn't an option. There was one little gas station and it was closed. That's when I realized the light was on. "Bonnie... we have no gas! Didn't you just get gas at the last station?" She admitted that she only partially filled up because it was so expensive there. What can I say? We were having fun telling stories and we forgot about the time and the mileage... and the gas. I looked at the dial once again. It was well beyond "E" for EMPTY.
Go back? Not an option. We'd be lucky if we made it to the highway, then what? We'd be stuck in that jam. We kept going forward and began praying. There wasn't a gas station to be found. There wasn't anything to be found. We kept praying and kept going. Right in the nick of time, we miraculously came upon a gas station and filled up. Thank you Jesus! With gas in the tank we headed north and again reconnected with the highway. Looking back the traffic was at a stop, but our direction was now moving smoothly. We were fortunate to have gotten off the road when we did. Otherwise we would be sitting in that traffic jam, on the side of the road, with no gas! God is so good!
It was almost twelve hours since I left home and we were pulling into Mama Fire's abode. Others were arriving as well. Mama came out to greet every one of us personally and saw to it that we got a tour of the house and found our rooms. She insisted that we gather together in the main room for a few words of encouragement, a song or two, and prayer before retiring for the night. Nine of us joined hands in a circle of prayer.

The conference hasn't officially begun yet, but God has begun His work in me. Oh my! What have I got myself into? No worries. It will be good. I have full liberty to let go and let God do whatever He wants in my life.
Stay tuned...