Does it even matter what I had to say? Not to you, maybe... but He loves it when I talk with Him. He loves it that I share my life with Him. He wants me to tell Him my thoughts, my cares, my concerns. Of course, He already knows it all... but it is erroneous to think that I don't need to share my heart with Him because of that. Why? Because... as a human being, a relationship is developed through communication and experience. Talking to one another and walking out life together in partnership is how it's done. Sounds so easy, right? But it has it's challenges... thus my RED shoes help me to stay focused.
As I looked out into the garden, I noticed that the wind was blowing wildly. One moment all was calm, and the next... Whooooosh! The trees were blowing all over the place. It was as if they had decided to dance. The flowers swayed in the breeze. The grass bent down in His presence.
Glory Hallelujah! The day has begun!
The Lord shared two very interesting things with me this morning.

Then I saw a stone wall.
How dreary!
How dismal!
How depressing!
What does it mean, Lord?
With that picture in mind, He reminded me that the World doesn't need people to fit in -- blend in -- bring to the table what's already there.
No! No! People are looking for Life and Love! They are looking for Light! Those are rare commodities in many places. But since the Holy Spirit travels with me wherever I go, I have those commodities in great abundance.
I wonder... Can people tell? Do they see the Light in me? Do they sense the Love? Is my life filled with the things that people are looking for... so much so, that they want to be around me in hope that I will share? I am pondering those things today . I certainly hope so. And I so want God to show me how to be better at it, that there may be more fruitful results. "God! Can you hear me? Can you grant that desire of my heart?"
I've come to realize that my way is
to fit in and win them over to Christ.
God's way is to stick out that they
might ask to be won to Christ.
The second thing God talked to me about today was "The Details."
He says:
He's a God of details!
Recently, He made a very special promise to gift me with something. And He reminded me of that this morning at breakfast. He has asked me to make a detailed list of exactly how I'd like it to look. He says that He wants me to be as detailed as possible. He wants to prove to me that He knows me so well that He will provide it right down to the last specification.

Details are descriptive specifications,
requirements, guidelines, parameters,
restrictions, conditions and stipulations
for things that are "made to order."
I haven't even written anything down yet. He says that's okay, because He already knows what I will write. I'm really writing it down for me, not Him. LOL. Okay. I will spend the day writing out the details . I'm very excited because I know the day will come when I will be reporting back to you each detail and how He filled it. He's done this once before with me. He says that it's been way too long since we did this challenge, and that He'd do this with me more often if I'd just ask. LOL. The Bible does say, "Ask and you shall receive."
This will be good. I shall put Him to the test!
In RED shoes,