Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28

We're coming down to the last few days of the First Month of  The Red Shoe Project.  I phrase it this way for a reason.  Deadlines occur at the end of the month. Bills are due at the end of the month. Reviews are completed at the end of the month. Decisions to continue or stop projects are made at the end of the month.

This is where the rubber meets the road! Are these RED SHOES really magical?  Are my RUBY REDS as powerful as they claim to be? In other words... Will God come through on His promises? Does The Lord really provide for His people?  Can He and will He provide for me? When I look back at January in review, will God have accomplished all the things He's told me He would? Is there enough evidence to show that God is in the center of our project and encouraging us to go deeper?

Have you ever asked those kinds of questions?

Isn't that part of what The Red Shoe Project is all about?
Wrestling with God about these things until you get an answer?
A sure answer. A complete answer. A working answer.
An answer that satisfies!

I must admit, I BELIEVE that the answer to all of these questions is YES!  But we can't start the "review" process until the end of the month! Well, actually... we can't even begin it until the first of next month.  

So often, God stops to take a breath, and we jump in, right before the grande finale, put a stop to everything and proclaim a fatal ending!  We give into the spiritual warfare.  We listen to the discouraging voices in our head. We start making excuses for God, without even giving Him a chance to finish. And instead... we look at how WE, ourselves, might provide the solution... before it's "too late!" 

(Gee... As I write this all down, and read it aloud, it sounds so pathetic.  Ouch!!!)

Let me share with you something God's been speaking to me.  As I was running out the door, one morning, in my RED SHOES, (of course),  I noticed my dog, Pauly, curled up by my desk. He was totally relaxed and ready for a long, restful morning...snoozing.  I closed the door behind me and God said,

 "Do you think Pauly is thinking...

 "I wonder what time she'll be back?"  
"Did she leave me water?
"Will she remember to take me out for my walk later?"
"I hope she doesn't forget to feed me my dinner!"
"Where will I be sleeping tonight?"

Of course not...  He just rests in knowing he's provided for."

Hmmmm... So why is it that I don't rest in knowing that I'm provided for?   My bulldog gets it... but I don't?

Then God showed me the other side of the coin.  I thought about how seriously I take my responsibility as a pet owner.  I always come home to take care of my dog.  Even if it's not convenient.  If I have to go out of town, I make arrangements for his care with a reliable person.  I always make sure he has plenty of clean water. And I would never forget to take him out... 2 times a day.  Not to mention the fact that I try to stick to a regular schedule.  And feed him dinner? Always! Without fail. And when the lights go out at night, he's always "snug as a bug" in our warm, comfy home... usually at the foot of my bed. He doesn't have to worry about a thing!

So why then do we worry?  Why do we doubt Our Father?  
Why do we waiver in our faith?

I've noticed that many times, in the past, I simply have not allowed God to show himself faithful.  I've thrown in the towel too soon.  I haven't even allowed Him the time He's requested.  This time, I'm determined to let Him go the distance.  I'm stretching my Faith, further than it's ever gone before, to give God a fair shot at proving Himself to me.

People who have done this before me have all reported that "God is FAITHFUL!"

They say "God is always RIGHT ON TIME." 


So I'm going into these last three days with Bold, Exuberant Enthusiasm & Excitement!  This is where the Hero shows up!  Where it all comes together! Where the Impossible becomes Possible! Where Miracles take place!

I can't stand it!  I'm not waiting any longer...  for my applause that is.  I'm getting excited, even now.  I'm clapping!  I'm jumping!  I'm waving my arms in the air!  I can feel my spirit shouting, "Yahoooo!  Glory!  Glory to God!  Thank You Jesus!  He did it!  He did it!  Glorrrrrrrry!!! 

Hey.... I might just have to kick off these RED SHOES and do a little victory dance!

Believe with me!
