Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 228

Today is  Day 228 of  The Red Shoe Project.  My key objective for the next couple days (aside from sporting my Ruby Reds, of course), is to pull together my thoughts on Hearing the Voice of God.  A dear friend of mine shared with me that she is taking some time to fast and pray in order to hear God's voice on a particular matter.  Truth be told, shouldn't we all be doing this on somewhat of a regular basis?  I'm in!

Part 1:  Fasting
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting,
the Holy Spirit spoke to them saying,  "Set apart for me 
Banabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."  
So after they fasted and prayed, they placed their hands 
on them and sent them off.  (Acts 13: 2-3)

One of the precursors to this Red Shoe Project was a time of fasting.  I was struggling to understand the personal application of certain scriptures in my life.  I didn't get it!  I didn't know how it worked.  Like Dorothy from Kansas, I couldn't figure how the darn shoes would take me home!  Have you ever had one of those days?  I was frustrated and desperate to hear from God on the matter.

STEP 1.  I sensed God telling me to enter into a time of fasting and prayer.  What does that mean?  At the time, I was sitting at a teacher's feet, taking in all the wisdom I could get.  She seemed to have a clear connection to God.   I noticed that several times she mentioned that periodically, she eats a light meal, once a day, and focuses on private prayer.  She never stated that I should fast -- she just casually mentioned in conversation, that she did.  But the Lord would not let me forget her words.  They haunted me for days until finally I found myself saying, "Maybe I should fast?"  Then the peace came.

Okay... a couple key points here.

(1) Sometimes I can get so wrapped up in the fast itself, that it becomes a huge ordeal that I can easily talk myself out of.  Should I do a water fast or fruits and veggies?  Which is the best?  Should I fast for a day?  A meal a day?  Several days?  How many days?  Hmmm.  We've all been there.  There is something to be said about the proper way to fast, and there are a handful of really good books out there if you want to read more, but this particular teacher made it simple and easy for me...

Eat Lightly and 
Focus on Private Prayer.

(2) Sometimes we think fasting is all about not eating.  It's not.  It's all about our connection with God!  The fast is just a method of removing distractions so that you can focus on hearing God voice.  The distractions may be self initiated.  They could be produced by the busyness of life.  They could also be the result of lack of consecration.  Distractions may come from within ourselves. How do we quiet  the many voices in our head?  Fasting is a way of forcing my flesh to submit to my authority as I submit to God's authority.  That, my friend, is not an easy task.  Basically I'm telling my mind and body... 

"This is really important to me... 
so I'm pushing aside the usual 
priorities and rituals of life  
until I get an answer." 

(3) Fasting is not about losing weight and looking good.  It's about dying to self.  Deciding to fast is best when you're lead by the Spirit to do so.   Whether I want to admit it or not, I can be my own worst enemy... or at least my flesh can.  With that in mind, I know all too well that my flesh is going to fight me tooth and nail on this.  Understand this:  The flesh hates fasting!  But when God's Spirit leads you to fast, He'll give you a  "Divine Determination"  to stick to it.  You'll be committed!

"Interested" is  being "all in" as long as it's convenient.
"Committed" is doing whatever it takes, whether it's convenient or not!

(4)  Keeping things simple is important, but you also want to be strategic.   Most often I stick to a vegan lifestyle.  I eat to live as opposed to living to eat.  I like the spiritual effects that vegan eating has on my life.  So when it comes to fasting,  technically I'm already fasting.  I simply make a few tweaks here and there.  The Lord, however, challenged me to refrain from other things as well, during this special time of drawing in with Him
In order to focus on Private Prayer, 
I need to clear my calendar, my life 
and my mind of all the clutter!

With that in mind, I do my best to avoid taking things in that are not spiritually nutritious.  That means I unplug a lot of electronic devices that can easily suck up a lot of my time like the television, phone, radio, computer, etc.   When I'm fasting, I don't watch that one "cop show" that I always tune in to  every week.  I don't listen to music that doesn't specifically lead me to a place of worship.  I don't browse the internet or hang out on Pinterest.  I don't occupy my mind with games of sorts.  I stay out of conversations that aren't necessary.  I don't go shopping.  I don't go to the spa.  I don't look at fashion magazines.  I skip recreational reading completely.  I even avoid social gatherings that aren't necessary.  Are any of those things wrong?  Of course not!  But during a time of fasting,  I am attempting to free myself up from my normal schedule so that I can spend more time with Him.  That's the goal, and refraining from these  "other things"  helps me achieve that.   

Be honest... have you ever found yourself fasting, but not doing the prayer part?  I know it sounds ridiculous,  but I've done that many times.  All my time was spent on not eating food, and little to no time was spent with Him, in prayer.  Fasting from these "other things" while I'm also abstaining from food,  provides the much needed time for the prayer part.  If I'm going to go to great lengths to fast, I want to make sure I'm reaching my goal.  Isn't that the point?

With my calendar cleared,  I have a lot of extra time on my hands.  I invest that time doing things that will usher me into His presence.  So I read my Bible along with articles or books that will inspire me to draw closer.  I put on music that will prepare my heart to receive from Him.  I keep myself quieter than usual, so that I can hear Him when he calls.  You get the picture.  I was dumbfounded by the distractions that were eliminated by doing this.  It makes a huge difference!  

Tomorrow, I will share more on Hearing the Voice of God,  however, let me ask you something.

Do you really want to hear what 
God has to say regarding your matter?  

and if so, 

Are you prepared to act on His advice?

Two simple questions.  If your answer is YES to both of them, I am confident that He will talk with you.  

Be sure to check out  The Red Shoe Project tomorrow and find out how to distinguish God's Voice from amongst the clatter of voices in your head.  Until then... Keep looking for God in your everyday life!

The gal in Red Shoes, 