Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 269

This is the 269th Day of  The Red Shoe Project.  Today is a day of rest for me.  My RED shoes have been on and off throughout the entire day. 

I am practicing... 

being a SPONGE.

A sponge  is  a water animal  that  has  no skeletal structure.  
It's porous body  draws in and  soaks up the water around it, 
extracting  from  it,  nutrients  and  oxygen,  in  order  to  live. 

That's my focus today.  I'm sitting in His presence, soaking up His Word.  I'm meditating on Him -- Just thinking about Him, wondering what He's like and what He thinks about things.  I'm asking questions and listening for answers.  I'm staying in one place and absorbing all that He has for me!

"Come near to God and
He will come near to you."
James 4:8

Until tomorrow,  