"The Voice of God"
God has been speaking something specific to me over and over these past few weeks. He keeps confirming and reinforcing it. (Day 107) Is He teasing me? His continual whispers on this particular matter are causing me to take notice. We'll see what comes of it. When I know more I will fill you in.
The Ladies Bible Study group discussed "The Voice of God" today. Coincidence? LOL. No... I was not the one teaching the Bible study. In fact, I had no idea that the lesson would go in that direction. But the same Spirit that lives in me, also lives in my pal who lead today's discussion. So it doesn't surprise me that God was speaking to me late last night about "His Voice," and early this morning to her about the same topic. It is the "same Spirit." That in itself is a confirmation. When random Christians are all talking about the same thing, I can be assured that God's Spirit is moving in a particular direction with a particular message. He does that quite often. He drops His thoughts in people's hearts with the intent for them to spread the word.
Yesterday, I talked about The Bible being God's primary language. God has spoken to me countless times through His Word, in many different ways. And today, I was reminded of a most precious example of that.
Many years ago, when my son was about five years old, I went into his room to pray for him. He was a typical five year old boy... a joyful lad, full of life, a little mischievous at times, smart as can be, and cute as a button. I love my boy, but I was a little concerned with his lack of interest in memorizing his Sunday School scriptures. What can I say? LOL. His sisters were little memory bugs, and he wasn't. I was a young mom with high expectations. So, I went into his room while he was sleeping, dropped on my knees and began to pray for him.

"Why are you praying
for this one?
This is the one
I've chosen."
The Spirit of God filled the room and God reminded me of His Word...
"Man looks at the outward appearance,
but God looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7b
The Lord was saying to me... "You're looking at a typical five year old boy and making a judgement on what you see, but I know that little boy's heart and I have a plan for him!"
Then He reminded me of the story that goes with that verse:
God told Samuel, the prophet, to prepare to anoint one of Jesse's sons to be the next king of Israel. Jesse lined up all his boys in front of Samuel -- a wonderful selection of young men to chose from. That's when God told Samuel that His criteria was not outward, but inward. Not one of those young men was the chosen one. Samuel then asked Jesse if he had any other sons.
"One more," Jesse replied, "but he's just a boy
and he's out watching the sheep."
"Go get him," Samuel said, "I'll wait!"
David, the shepherd boy, came before him, and God said, "He is the one."
David, eventually became king, and is known, to this very day, as
"The man after God's own heart."

Now, mind you, I didn't go into my boy's room that night thinking, "What blessing from God's Word can I pray over my son to make him great?" No... I went there humbly asking God for a little help, and He surprisingly corrected me. He adjusted my perspective to see things as He saw them.
The next day, I didn't hesitate to tell my son, what God had spoken to me. In fact, I told my son that story many times, throughout his youth. Even when he was older, and going through a time of rebellion, I spoke that over him, loudly and clearly. I remember a day in his teens when he was proclaiming to be someone that didn't fit the vision God had given me. I remember rising up in that moment and powerfully stating,
"I don't know who you think you are...
but I'm your mother, and I know exactly who you are.
You are a man of God. And God has called you!"
That proclamation may not have made sense to the people within hearing distance. It certainly didn't fit the current picture, but...
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not yet seen."
Hebrews 11:1
A mother knows when God speaks to her about one of her children and she treasures those things in her heart and prays them into fruition. Everyone in the family prayed that vision into fruition for him. Today, he can be found, continually about God's business. The vision has become reality in motion.

In light of that, my bright RED shoes are looking rather dull and boring.
Until tomorrow,