It's nice knowing that God taps people on the shoulder from time to time and asks them to pray for me. He does that for You too. With that in mind, I tried to pray thoroughly on their behalf as the Spirit lead me.
My visit was wonderful. My dear friend was not feeling well. I was glad to pop in with my RED shoes to say hello and visit for awhile. It thundered and poured outside, but inside we sat by a stream of love and kindness. The Holy Spirit is so wise. He knows what people need... even the ones who don't think they need anything.

I know you must be thinking, "Really? How could that possibly be God-inspired?" LOL. "It doesn't sound sacred enough!" Well, it's not meant to be sacred. But it did a fine job at raising my body temperature, while allowing me to process some of the thoughts trapped in my head from the morning. As I lay back in the tub with my eyes closed, I could feel the dreariness of the rainy day lift off me, and I was able to talk a few things out with God.
It's amazing how God sometimes speaks to me through songs. After my
conversation with Him -- which was mostly a mixed up, muddled mess of feelings and words pouring out of me , (LOL), it was time for Him to respond.
A song came on entitled "Surrender!"
I have noticed that whenever I surrender to Him, He always reminds me that...
His SPECIFIC plan for me
is so much better than
what I want to hang onto.
And then He tells me...
"You wont be disappointed.
Trust me!"
I left the tub, refreshed and restored. I got dressed and continued behind closed doors to read, relax and pray. For the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening, He continued to speak words of affirmation and direction to me. I felt my countenance change and my entire being, (both physical and spiritual), strengthened!
I had one final appointment to attend to... a late night meeting at the coffee shop with a dear friend. God came with me, which was good, because we needed His advice on several important matters. We gladly brought Him into our conversation and He helped us solve the problems of the world -- Well, at least, our little part of the world.
I'm back in the house now. It finally stopped raining. It's been a long day in RED shoes and now I'm ready to retire for the night. As I shut down my computer and turn off the lights, I hear Him whisper to me...
I had one final appointment to attend to... a late night meeting at the coffee shop with a dear friend. God came with me, which was good, because we needed His advice on several important matters. We gladly brought Him into our conversation and He helped us solve the problems of the world -- Well, at least, our little part of the world.
I'm back in the house now. It finally stopped raining. It's been a long day in RED shoes and now I'm ready to retire for the night. As I shut down my computer and turn off the lights, I hear Him whisper to me...
He who has begun
a good work in you
will continue until the day
of Jesus Christ."
(Philippians 1:6)
Good night, dear "Rubies,"
I so appreciate your friendship.