Actually, my day started at the break of dawn. As soon as my eyes opened, I saw that big BELIEVE sign hanging on the wall in front of me. Right then and there, my conversation with Christ began. I propped up my pillows and stayed in bed awhile, making notes on some things God was telling me.
I got out of bed, soon enough, and decided to take thirty seconds right then to give God my day. I'm not usually so formal about that, but today, it just seemed the right thing to do.
God... I give you this day!
Have your way in my life.
Lead me and guide me
I pray -- in Jesus' Name.
When I was done, I headed to the kitchen and made myself a smoothie. I went outside on the lanai to drink it and chatted with God a little more. Time was getting the best of me, so I popped on Pandora for some worship music as I quickly washed up, brushed my teeth, got dressed and prepared for my walk. Suddenly an awesome song came on. It's one that we sing often in church.
There it was -- the hook!
I could feel God pulling me close.
Next thing you know, I am on my knees, weeping and praying for God's will to be accomplished in my life! On my knees! I don't get on my knees very often. Usually it's because my legs fall asleep, and it's anything but comfortable. Funny how, when the Holy Ghost falls, none of that matters. There I was on the bathroom floor - tile, no less -- on my knees, praying! What a glorious morning!
I am scheduled to speak at a women's meeting in December and have already begun to pray specifically for God's Word for that audience. Today, He began to roll that out for me. I'm very excited about this meeting. It will be my first major event since I started the RSP. I did an event at this church about a year ago. I'm believing that this time they see more of God, and less of me! Surely there will be something different in my ministry after spending a year, set apart, with God! I know that God has a powerful Word in store for them!
After all that, I wondered if I needed to prayer walk. I quickly checked my phone before leaving and... Oooops! -- Wait a minute -- God began speaking to my heart about two specific people. I pulled them up on my smart phone and texted them words of encouragement and direction. Ahhhh. Now I was ready to walk out the door. I'm not a big phone person. I don't do a lot of texting. Half the time, I forget to turn my phone on. But even God enjoys the wonders of technology. It may have been my phone, and I may have been the one typing, but it was His personal messages that went out to those individuals. I love when He does that! Think about it... He took the time to prompt me to pick up my phone, and then he dictated a message to me, to deliver to them.
Most of the afternoon was spent doing a thorough clean of my bathroom. It was a menial job, but I put on my Bible CDs and went to work! How clever is that? Basically I read, (well - took in), several books of the Bible: Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians and Galatians. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. I'm going to have to do much more of that. I like it!

In Red shoes,