It wasn't all that long ago that I didn't seem to have much time to pray. Now, it's right up at the top of my list with "Walk the dog" and "Brush my teeth." That's a good thing... a very good thing. I know that some good ground is being conquered on behalf of The King during these power walks of mine.
Being sick is like being tired... it makes me a prime target for the enemy. With that said, I'm doing everything I can to keep my mouth shut. There's no better time than this, to spout off something that I shouldn't due to distress... so I'm unplugging myself and doing my best to avoid that!
Yup... I have bad days too! Not many, but they're there. During that time, I try to stay in the neutral zone. That's the place where I may not be moving forward, but I'm not moving backwards either. I don't like to lose ground that often took a fair amount of blood, sweat and tears to conquer. That said, I've taken care of some much needed computer work, read a book about Heaven, and puttered around the house meditating on this old chorus:
I'll give thanks unto the Lord
for His goodness to me.
I'll give thanks unto the Lord
for His goodness to me.
For His mercy endures for ever.
I'll give thanks... give thanks
unto the Lord!
A dear sister in Christ has been talking to me lately about gratitude. Being thankful is always a good thing!
Gratitute is...
thankfulness, appreciation, indebtedness,
recognition, acknowledgement, credit.
As I go through the list in my mind, of what I'm most thankful for...
YOU all float to the forefront of my mind. Yes.. I am grateful for you all. Thank you for your love, prayers, and words of encouragement.
You are a blessing to me!
'Til tomorrow,