All this has got me thinking about all the years that I used to do just that with God. I'd go about my life all day, then right before I shut the light out at night, I'd decide to read the Word, say my prayers and give a few minutes to God to speak to me. I wonder how God felt about that? (I always thought that He'd be happy with the fact that I was checking in.)
As a Christian, I know that Christ lives in me through the presence of The
Holy Spirit -- not sometimes, but all the time -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
He doesn't "pop in" to visit me on occasion. He's a permanent resident in my heart. Yet, I give him but a few minutes at the end of the day? Something isn't quite right about that. In fact, I'm thinking it was rather rude of me to ignore my best friend, my divine partner and my God like that. If you, (whoever you are), were to come visit me, (even though I don't even know you), I would never ignore you period, let alone the entire day... and then right before the lights go out for the night, start talking with you and limit you to a fifteen minute response. That's crazy!
The Divine Relationship is the powerful connection between a man
or woman and God. It's developed through continual communication and fellowship with one another over time.
The Divine Partnership is when a man or woman walks with God.
God is the Leader, and the man or woman is the Follower.
It has occurred to me that when I'm resting in bed... The Holy Spirit is with me. When I walk the dog morning... The Holy Spirit is with me. When I shower, The Holy Spirit is with me. When I drive in the car... The Holy Spirit is with me. When I attend an appointment... The Holy Spirit is with me. When I run into the store to pick up groceries, The Holy Spirit is with me. When I'm working out... The Holy Spirit is with me. Even as I sit at the computer late at night writing, The Holy Spirit is with me. So why would I limit my conversation with Him to a few minutes before I go to sleep? Hmmm.
Ok... so I'm exaggerating slightly. I do talk to God a little more often than that... especially since I started this Red Shoe Project. But even still... my conversation time with Him is significantly limited when I contrast that with His 24/7 availability.
This means...
He's always with me,
but I'm the one choosing
I connect with Him.
All this time, I've been wondering how to better connect with God on a consistent basis, and all I really need to do is continually Acknowledge His Presence and Talk with Him.

That's so easy! Why didn't I see this before?
I can do that! This will be life changing!
I thought it was the BEST DECISION I ever made when I asked God into the center of my life. Now thirty years later...
I have decided to actively fellowship
in greater measure with God on a daily basis.
Why wouldn't I do that? If God has given me access to Himself, 24/7, why would I settle for 15 minutes? or 1 hour? or 3 hours? That's got to change. I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to see that... and it doesn't matter why. The thing is... I see it now and I'm going to do something about it. I think this will be the NEW Best Decision in my life: Continual fellowship with God. And I'm going to do it in RED shoes!