Isn't it funny how sometimes
you can't see what's
right in front of you?
Her words were perfectly timed. I needed to see that connection. My spirit was lifted and I was encouraged. It was a perfect way to start my day!
I drove up to see my Mom today -- an early Mother's Day visit. I just love my Mom! We had dinner together and talked and talked and talked. It was time well spent. She's such a blessing to me.
On the way home, I thought about my friend's testimony the other day. He talked about being prompted by God to go with his mom to the doctors, and it turned out to be a very good thing that he did. I remembered his proclaiming, "I didn't want to really go to the doctor's with my mom, but I had this strong urging from God to go. And you know what, I should go, because it's the right thing to do!!!" LOL. I'm laughing because I've been in that position many times, where I didn't want to do something, but there was that urging, and next thing you know, regardless of how I felt, there I was doing it. He was so joyous as he gave that testimony. And I was so joyous as I drove home from my mom's. It was a wonderful day!
My mom had given me a bucket and mop to bring home with me. It was sitting on her porch, only used once, and she thought I might get better use of it. I popped it into my little hatch back and drove home. When I came in the house, I positioned it by the door, until I had a chance to move it to the garage.
Meanwhile, I headed out the door to take Pauly for his evening walk. Usually we go out the front door and turn to the left. I like walking that way because there's good lighting and not a lot of cars to have to walk around. Lately, however, Pauly has been rather feisty and pulling to the right. It's dark that way, so I insisted that he go left. Talk about a tug-of-war. As much as I tried, there's not much you can do when a 70 pound bulldog has made up his mind. I could feel myself getting a little frustrated with him, but God's voice spoke... "Gail, be patient. It's not a big deal."
God was right. It doesn't matter at all which direction we go in for the walk. There's no need to get crazy over it. But then, (and this isn't the first time I've thought this), I wondered, "Is that how I am with God? Insistent upon going in the direction I want to go in? Even when He's making it perfectly clear where He wants me to go?"
Generally speaking, I think that I'm pretty good at following God's direction. BUT these days, I want more than that. My heart's desire is to be totally sensitive to God's voice and guidance. Oh, that I would consistently yield to Him, in all matters, great and small. If he guides me to the right, may I follow His lead without distraction. If he guides me to the left, may I do the same. Yes, I know it sounds easy, but I've probably been like Pauly on more than a few occasions and not even realized it. God's doing a work in me!
When we finally came back from our walk, I sat down, turned on the computer and began to write this evening's blog. My daughter came in and noticed the bucket still sitting by the door. "A gift from Granny!" I shouted.
"What's that?" she pointed. "Oh my gosh, it's a snake!" Yikes it was a snake. How did it get in here? Probably from the bucket. It was late -- 10:30 -- but we quickly put Pauly in his kennel and decided to ask our neighbor for help. He gladly ran over, with rake in hand, and transported that three foot snake out the door where it belonged. I had an arial view of the entire thing as I stood on a chair... wearing my RED shoes, of course!

Til tomorrow,