"I want you to YIELD again to me, today."
"Okay! I wonder what God's going to do?"
I didn't have a lot of time to think about it. I was up, in RED shoes, and out the door, bright and early, for an appointment. As I sat in the office of a dear Christian friend - taking care of some business with her -- God had some things He wanted to speak into her life. So I yielded, and allowed Him to speak through me.
Okay... so if there's anyone who can talk someone's ear off, it's me. I'm well aware of that. They say that someone's greatest strengths or giftings can also be their greatest area of weakness -- and speaking is no different. Speaking for the sake of speaking will ultimately turn people off and even away.
The trick is to temper my own conversations,
and turn up God's conversations.
That means I need to not talk so much in the natural, but let it flow when God's doing the speaking.

Let God, Himself,
do all the talking.
I'm by no means perfect at it, but I've gotten much better at understanding when it's God and when it's not. My goal now is to talk on my own accord as little as possible, and to let God talk as often as He'd like to. Yup! That's what you call YIELDING to Him! It's the old,
"More of Him - Less of Me!"
I went to my friends office to take care of some business. God had some business of His own to take care of. I was able to minister one on one with my friend, and we managed to get in some great prayer time at the end of our appointment. As I hugged her before leaving... I opened my mouth, and I do believe that God spoke directly to her heart in those moments. Funny how God will meet you anytime, anywhere... even while you're at work!
Okay... so let me make a point here. I didn't go to her work to tell her something from God. It's more like this: While I was at her work, taking care of business, God decided to speak.
Later that morning, I managed to get in a prayer walk, as well as taking care of some office work that needed my attention. After that, I met up with my mentor for an evening of teaching, testifying, prayer and preaching. By the time she dropped me off at my house, I was FILLED and INSPIRED!
As I look back at this entire day, I'm convinced that each day, from here on out, must be a day of YIELDING to Him! Can I possibly live any other way? I'm thinking that - for me anyway -- I must always be cautiously aware and on the lookout for God's signals, that I might be used by Him at a moment's notice.
and He's teaching me,
in these RED shoes of mine,
to move with Him.
Following Closely,