Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 321

I hate to say it, but Day 321 of  The Red Shoe Project was another day of cleaning.  In the morning I had on my RED work shoes and did yard work.  (You know how I hate yard work!)  And in the afternoon, I popped on my RED flip flops  and finished off cleaning the bathroom.  If you want to get a glimpse of Heaven, all you have to do is walk into my bathroom.  First thing in the morning, the sun is shining right in the window and everything is sparkling.  It's so bright in there it's almost blinding!  LOL.

To be honest, I've been enjoying the solitude.  Most days, I'm up and out the door, living life and looking for God.  Cleaning days are quiet days.  Sometimes I like quiet.  I like the peacefulness of it all.  When I've had enough quiet, I listen to the Bible on CD.  If I'm going to scrub away for hours, I might as well take in the Word of God while  I'm at it.

I've learned the importance of filling my mind with something profitable.  Have you ever noticed that if your mind is empty for too long, the devil will try depositing his garbage in there.  At one point today I had to shout at him,

"Don't drop your garbage off here!  
It's private property -- now get off!"

For a while there, I had myself a little prayer meeting.  I don't tolerate the enemy stepping into my camp like that.  Really?  Who does he think he is?  The fact is, too often we let the enemy walk right in and treat him almost as if he were a guest.  Our culture has become so politically correct, it's started to seep into our spiritual camp.  God forbid that we offend the enemy.  NOT!!!   TRASH is TRASH, no matter how you look at it.  And if there's one thing that I've learned from all this cleaning it's this...

You have to stay on top of it,
otherwise, it builds up fast!

I can't help but think of that old pentecostal chorus...

"I went to the enemy's camp and I
took back what he stole from me.
Took back what he stole from me. 
Took back what he stole from me.
I went to the enemy's camp and I 
took back what he stole from me.
He's under my feet!  He's under my feet!
He's under my feet!  He's under my feet!
He's under my feet!  He's under my feet!
Satan is under my feet!"

Of course, when we would sing this chorus, we wouldn't do it quietly. We would make gestures with our hands as if we were grabbing back what the enemy had stolen from us. And when we got to the part about his being under our feet, we'd jump up and down and stomp on that carpet like there was no tomorrow!

That said, I feel a little prayer meeting coming on right now!  What better time to tackle the enemy and take back what's mine?  Why don't you join me?  Why not stop what you're doing right now, get in the zone and battle it out with the enemy.  I'm serious!

"I will repay you for the years 
the locusts have eaten."
Joel 2:25

I don't know about you, but I'm putting on my praise 
and my RED dancing shoes and going for it!
