I've come to realize lately that the Depth of
God's Desire to connect with us
is so much greater than I ever understood it to be.
God's LOVE for us is so magnificent
that it draws us to Him like a magnet.
He wants a relationship with us
(more than we can comprehend)
and He'll move mountains to help that to happen.
As morning turned into afternoon, I was found in RED shoes at the coffee shop, sipping on something warm and sharing back and forth, with a friend, testimonies of what God is doing in our lives. I always find this to be a powerfully uplifting time in my week. Proverbs 27:17 says,
"As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens another."
Mid-afternoon, we both headed out, in RED shoes, to visit a dear friend. Unfortunately in Life, everyone isn't UP at the same time, and we are committed to loving and lifting up our sister in prayer as challenges present themselves to her on all fronts.
I love that word, "UNDERGIRD."
It means to support, strengthen and hold up.
We listened, laid hands on her, and prayed for renewed strength from above. Even after I left, I found myself continually presenting her to God in prayer, reminding Him that I love her and that she needs extra from Him right now. What a powerful thing it is for friends to lift up one another in continued prayer. It's so easy not to do that... and then what... nothing - that's what. Talking about it with one another does little to nothing. Talking about it with God -- now that's a different story! Invite God into the conversation and HOPE moves in.
I found myself heading to the prayer closet for much of the evening. Off came my RED shoes, and on went the RED socks. I'm treasuring my alone time with God. As I worship Him, as I read His Word, as I talk about the details of life with Him, I'm reminded that He loves this time as much as I do. That is so powerfully comforting. Well, His nickname is The Comforter.
Good night for now,