What an eerie feeling! Just then the Lord spoke so clearly to me...
"Even though fog can make those houses look like they've disappeared, you know that they're still there... Right?
Well, in the same way, when the difficulties of life roll in, and you can't see me, remember that I'm still here. I'll never leave you."
I'm often comforted with God's promise of ...
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6
And here was the Holy Spirit reminding me of that first thing this morning. It didn't surprise me that my early appointment with a good friend was a perfect opportunity to share what God had spoken to me. Turned out she was much in need of a reminder of just that.
It never ceases to amaze me how God can speak something so powerful and personal to me, and then speak that same thing to someone else, and it's just as powerful and personal to them, in a completely different way! I love that about God!
God is omniscient. That means He's all-knowing. His knowledge is not limited like mine is. Not only does he know all sorts of facts about everything around me, (after all, He did create them), He's also knows the details of who I am -- on the inside.
I've heard the saying, "He knows me better than I know myself." That's so true! And it's especially obvious when I find myself "out of sorts" and don't know why. I ask the Lord to reveal to me what's wrong and He does. He's so personal!
The fact that the Holy Spirit lives in me definitely has its advantages. He is with me always, right here, in my heart and in my mind... leading me, guiding me... teaching me... and talking with me. Truly He is...
"The Friend that sticks closer than a brother."
Proverbs 18:24