Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 224

Today was the 224th day of  The Red Shoe Project.  All day I could be found sporting my RED sandals and a smile from ear to ear.  My impromptu visit to the Orlando area to visit with old friends was just short of 24 hours.  Of course, that was not as much time as I would have liked, but God has been faithful to fill my heart with joy!

Last night was a night to remember.  There I was sitting in my friend's home with five Eagles for God:  My pastor for years;  his lovely wife, who's my dearest friend;  the couple who mentored me as a new Believer;  and one of the most brilliant Biblical scholars and professors in the country... well, at least I think of him that way.  Believe it or not,  I sat back and did a lot more listening than usual.  I was honored and thankful to sit amongst them, soaking up all they had to offer.

Each one of them has known the Lord for well over thirty years.  Put together all their degrees,  ministry experience, soul-winning efforts, counseling hours, missionary endeavors, church planting, worship leading, Bible knowledge, not to mention preaching, teaching and presenting for God... and we haven't even scratched the surface yet.  I've yet to mention their personal prayer lives, consistency in Christ, and over-coming capabilities with God... all the late nights they've put in over the years, times of going above and beyond again and again, dying to self, pushing aside their wants and maybe even their needs for God's perfect will.  Yup, they're some of the greatest people I personally know, who are "all in" for God's Kingdom!

Are they flawless?  No way!  They would tell you that themselves.  They'd probably be embarrassed if they read this.  I can picture them now rolling their eyes at me and shaking their heads, in disbelief.  Not one of them is a seeker of acclamation.  They are humble servants -- mere lovers of God, whose hearts are sold out for the kingdom -- willing vessels, no less, always on call for God to move through them, any time, anywhere.   In fact, it was this very pastor, that taught each one of us to...

"Preach the word;  
be ready in season and out of season; 
correct, rebuke and encourage -- 
with great patience and careful instruction."
2 Timothy 4:2

As we sat around the living room, well into the night... yes, we talked about spiritual things.  Wisdom, from much study and experience poured forth, and I was sure to take mental note of the contributions they all shared.  But we also laughed a lot, reminisced, told some stories, and just enjoyed one another's company.  Thirty years of ministry and more has tempered them all significantly.  I saw lots of warmth and love, patience and kindness, gentleness and peace.  

  There I was... sitting in the middle 
of an abundant harvest of spiritual fruit.

Early this afternoon, I said my goodbyes, so happy for such a blessed time, and drove away in my little car.  I wasn't on the highway long, when I connected by phone with Bonnie -- my dear friend, ministry colleague, prayer partner and spiritual mentor. She's been traveling herself, these last few days,  ministering at a conference in Ohio.  It was a joy catching up with her, as we both headed home from different directions.  We'll connect tomorrow to prepare for The Bonfire. 
 I'm really enjoying this God-given friendship with Bonnie.  I can't quite describe it.  
I will say this though...  I don't think that I would have made it so far on this Red Shoe Project  had she not been walking with me the entire time. Just as Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses, during Joshua's battle with the Amalekites,  she has undergirded me!  
(See  Exodus 17: 10-13).  She is a Master Eagle, herself!

The ride home from my friend's house is about two hours.  As I headed into the second hour of the trip, I gave my friends, The Marinos,  a call to see how they were doing.  

"Come on over!" 
 they exclaimed.  

When I arrived, they had invited a couple others from our Bible group.  What a wonderful afternoon we had!  Wendy cooked up a storm, while Jim barbecued on the lanai.  We talked,  laughed,  even played a board game -- Guys against the Gals.  Fun time!

As the sun set, and stars covered the night sky, I headed home thinking, 
"I am blessed beyond measure!"  God has given me many wonderful new friends in these last couple years.  Together, we are in the process of building great memories together.  Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind...

One day, this group 
will be sitting around, 
with decades of ministry 
experience under their 
belts, telling stories and
offering divine wisdom 
to a group of "newbies" 
who are hungry for God!

As for today...  I'm wearing RED shoes and looking for God, 
and they're all following suit.

For God's Glory!

Day 223

 It's Day 223 of  The Red Shoe Project.  After visiting my mom, I was heading home, in my RED shoes, and just about to get on the highway, when my cell phone rang.

"I want you to come visit this weekend!"  
my best girlfriend cried out.  
"Some people are here, I know you'd love to see."  

Right at that moment I found myself
at a literal crossroads.
If  I went left, I'd get onto the highway
heading west, towards home.
If  I went right,  I'd be heading east for Orlando.
I could be at my friend's house in less than an hour.
I turned sharply and shouted,

"I'm on my way!"  

I merged onto Route 4, heading west towards Orlando, and within moments, panic struck.  I only had the clothes on my back.  Did I even have make up on?  Oh gosh... these visitors were old friends I hadn't seen in years.  All of a sudden I felt, unkempt, unfashionable and somewhat undone.  I know I shouldn't think about such trivial things... but I do.  I picked up my phone and dialed up a friend of mine.  Her words of advice...

"Sounds like it's destined to be!   
Go for it!"  

As she hung up, I burst into tears. 

"Pull it together, Gail!"  
I told myself.  
"Lord... What is going on here?" 

My flesh was rearing it's ugly head in great magnitude.  That's always a sign that God must be getting ready to bless.  Yup...  I've noticed a pattern.  Whenever it becomes  "All about me"  -- when confusion  and anxiety set in -- when I sense fear pushing its way to the surface... the enemy is at work.  He's trying to turn me around in the other direction.  When that happens,  I now default to letting the Spirit of God intercede on my behalf.  It would be so easy for me to pray in error -- to pray out of a fearful heart -- to respond in the flesh.  The Holy Spirit, however, will pray through me and for me, according to God's will.

God did have a few words for me as I wiped my tears and drove on.  He reminded me of a time, not so long ago, when He told me that I needed to get naked.  He said that I had clothed myself in a way that I thought was palatable to others, in hope of winning them to Christ...  But that way didn't work.  It never produced any fruit.    He said there were people desperately wanting to hear the message I had, but that they couldn't find me.   I was too covered up.

With each month of  The Red Shoe Project I have found myself shedding more and more of that very covering.  Yes,  I am getting naked.  I'm showing who I really am in Christ.  I' don't blend in so much anymore.  It can feel awkward at times.  But mostly it just feels great.  I'm living for Jesus... Out loud! -- Out in the open! --  No holds barred! --Without reservation!  Maybe not 100%, but almost...  I'm getting there, slowly but surely.    That's one of the things that God has been unwinding me from.

The Lord confided in me:  My appearance could tend to be a a bit of a distraction.  When I focus so much on how I look...

 Isn't that:   
More of me and less of Him? 
When it should be:   
Less of me and more of Him?  

Now... I'm not saying that I should look my worst.  But He's showing me that striving so hard, putting so much of my energy, attention and resources towards how I look to others is not as important as I think.  In fact, it merely shows my personal insecurity and disregard for who I am in Christ.

I'm a vessel. 
 An EMPTY vessel...
Clean and clear 
of any debris. 
A vessel empty of me! 
A vessel that God 
can flow through easily.  

People don't need to be wondering,  What color is the vessel?  What material is the vessel made of?  How is the vessel unique?  NO!  NO!  NO!  Optimally, people shouldn't even notice the vessel.  They should be merely awestruck by God and what He's doing.  Nothing more!  The vessel needs never to be mentioned.  When that's the case.  God is in the forefront.  He's center stage.  He gets ALL the glory. That's the most excellent way!

Right before arriving, I pulled into a parking lot, put on a little make up, fixed my hair, and spent some time in prayer.  I wasn't sure what God had in store for me, but I had just received a powerful lesson from Him and now it was time to apply it to my life.  What can I say?  My heart and mind came into agreement with God in that little white car. A confidence came over me, a smile appeared on my face, and I believed that I didn't need to worry about the minuscule details concerning myself and how wonderful I might appear to others.  I think that might be referred to as a "Divine Adjustment." 

Naked, except for RED shoes,