Day 330 of
The Red Shoe Project has just begun and my
RED shoes are not even on my feet yet. God woke me up early -- well before the sun had come up -- and I have been at war in the prayer closet, pulling down strongholds and prophesying over the lives of family and friends for God's will to be accomplished in their lives.
Glory of God!
I'm not sure what time it was. I was having a dream. It was one of those dreams where you sense the devil is after you. I was almost paralyzed by fear. I tried calling out for help, but nothing was coming out of my mouth.
Then suddenly...
the Name of Jesus slipped off my lips.

At that point, it was all over -- not for me -- but for the enemy. He was done! Don't be messing with my sleep! Like an alarm going off at the fire house, I jumped out of bed, threw on the lights, and unconsciously began to function in the role I'm called to:
Volunteer Prayer Warrior!

Without hesitation, I slipped from my bed and onto my knees. I called forth the angels of God to cover me with their wings and I began to intercede. One minute I was praying in English, the next minute I was praying in the Spirit. I could sense the enemy trying to get in my head. I was still half asleep.
I reached upward and threw on the light. I got to my feet, threw on my robe and began to pace back and forth. Watch out! You know what happens when I start pacing!
Faces of ministers rushed into my mind and I prayed for each and every one of them as the Spirit lead me. I saw large crowds of people in a foreign land. I cursed the strongholds around them and proclaimed freedom, healing and salvation upon them.
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! One after another, God brought the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ to mind. I prayed for each and every one of them until the sun came up!
"Blow the trumpet in Zion;
sound the alarm on my holy hill.
Let all who live in the land tremble,
for the day of the LORD is coming
It is close at hand --"
Joel 2:1

It's 7:16 a.m. As quickly as the Spirit came, He has departed. The emergency is over -- for now. God is preparing His people for battle! Are you ready? When the alarm sounds do you know what to do? Will you slip out of bed and pray? Will you pull down strongholds so that the army of God can fight victoriously -- winning souls, delivering the oppressed, healing the sick?
I'm writing my blog early today, then I'm off to church. I'm expecting a mighty move of God! I can't wait to sing praises to my King!
RED shoes,