Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today was Day 125 of  The Red Shoe Project.  I found myself wearing comfortable RED shoes, and once again, visiting Harvest Tabernacle, and enjoying the ministry there with my dear friends Carolyn and Jim.  I'm never disappointed when I stop in there because God is always vibrantly present. I saw Him in the Worship.  I saw Him in the Word.  Not to mention the fact that several people testified of His Saving, Delivering, and Healing Power in their personal lives.  

I was reminded that we serve a Living God who connects with people, here and now! 
Why, oh why do so many settle for Religion?  
It's empty.  It's boring.  And it's dead.  
Why did I ever settle for it?  Because it's easy.  
Religion is easy.  
Relationship is challenging.  
But I'm in for a daily challenge.  A relationship with The Living God provides  Life,  Adventure, and  Fullness.  It's worth the effort!

After service, I joined my friends, Carolyn and Jim for lunch.  Carolyn is an accomplished artist.  She's the one who loves to collage.  Because of that, I was reminded of my Sozo meeting last week.  While in my prayer circle (at Sozo),  God revealed to me lies that I had come to believe were truth.  The whole point of Sozo is to sever those deceiving entanglements and release them to God.   Each time I did that,  I asked The Holy Spirit what He was giving me to replace it.  Whatever picture I saw in my mind, I spoke out loud and one of the women on the ministry team wrote it down for me.  I didn't understand, at the time, what was actually happening.   

It wasn't until later, long after 
the Sozo meeting was over,  
that I realized I had a list of 
promised treasures from the Lord. 

 I say all this, now, because I spent yesterday and today, collaging those treasures on Pinterest. I found pictures that matched my list and collected them on a board entitled, 

"God's Gifts to Me"

It's like my own treasury of
Crown Jewels.

That collage includes:
  • a rushing river
  • a pile of diamonds 
  • a field of pansies
  • the truth that "All Things are Possible!"
  • an orchestra
  • a monarch butterfly
  • a big red heart
  • white snow, freshly fallen over the earth
  • lilacs
  • my ability to see the angel that watches over my son
  • a waterfall of The Glory of God
  • a victory dance
  • the revelation that there are angels all around fighting on my behalf
  • a snowplow filled with ice and snow, taking away what was blocking the flow of trust and belief
  • broken handcuffs replaced by pouring rain
  • a powerful wind blowing lies off the clothes line
  • a jar of wishes, hopes and dreams
  • freedom, opportunity and life
  • a box of chocolates
  • children running amongst my feet
  • a gold wedding ring
  • a pure, fresh cotton bulb in bloom, still on the stem
  • a basket of fresh picked berries
  • a purse filled with gold coins
  • a closed book on past relationships
  • a spotlessly cleaned room
  • an open window with fresh air flowing in
  • a treasure chest of gold coins and jewels. 
  • extensive wheat fields with an endless harvest
  • divine power through The Holy Spirit
  • the peacefulness of a clear lake in the early morning

As I look down, this evening, at my 
worn but wonderful Ruby slippers,
I am thankful for the magic that God 
brings into my life each day.
I am also thankful for my "You,"  
my readers,  my  "Rubies."
I treasure the fact that you faithfully support The Call of God on my life by praying for me, encouraging me, and following my writing.

Love to you all,