Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 309 and 310

I thought I had the answer on this 309th Day of  The Red Shoe Project.  I gathered together a small group of solid Christian women for counsel, hoping for wisdom on what direction to take at this point.  I shared with them my story, my heart, and what I thought might be divine guidance.   Could God be beckoning me to move through a door? 

"Where there is no counsel, 
the people fall; 
but in the multitude of counselors 
there is good advice."  
Proverbs 11:14

Sporting my RED shoes, I laid out the plan.  All agreed it looked good.  It seemed to be divinely put together and set in my lap.  It had all the markings of God.  What astonished me most was not so much that it met my personal need, but it blew open a door of unexpected creativity.   Next thing I knew, I was offered a speaking opportunity in December and a potential conference early in the new year.  That's not the half of it.  There was a ripple effect.   Divine opportunity seemed to be bursting forth for everyone present.  It's a glorious thing seeing God move like that! 

With the blessing of my colleagues, I made up my mind to "test the waters."  I'd step through the open door that seemed so divinely presented and go from there.  What a relief!   NOT.  As I stepped through what I thought was a threshold of opportunity, I was met with an unexpected onslaught of verbal bashing.  It was a "NO GO!"  Slowly, I backed out and shut the door behind me.  Now, here I sit at Starbucks, licking my wounds and drinking my second cup of chai.  

Where are you God?  What's the next step?  I see nothing -- no open door -- no specific direction.  But... 

I am reminded of an old sermon I once heard.  It was a lesson in which the preacher talked about a rock climber reaching upward to get a grasp on something in order to pull himself up.  His hold gave way and he found himself slipping down the face of the rock.  

Lost ground!  

He picked himself up and started back where he last had a strong footing.   Hmmmmm.  Where did I last have strong footing?    I believe it was when God told me  "everything I was looking for was in the prayer closet."   I shall spend tonight there -- in the closet -- looking for direction.  Surely it's there.

Determination is:

This girl in RED shoes is not giving up!


Day 310

I was up at the crack of dawn of this 310th Day of  The Red Shoe Project.  Last night was spent in prayer and I do believe I have received direction from God.  I popped on my Ruby Reds and headed out to take care of some early morning business.  It was a profitable morning and I am feeling good!

It's interesting... yesterday I prayed with a gal for healing and it came to my attention that she harbored a lot of anger and unforgiveness.  I told her...

"You have got to release 
that in order for 
God to move!"

Later in the day, I had a conversation with a dear friend about anger and forgiveness.  It seems that it's a matter of choice.  One must choose, before God, to let go and release.  It can't be about feelings.  Feelings will cause you to hold on.

After the escapade of the verbal bashing, I had to do just that... Let Go!   I'm not one to take offense, but some hurtful things were said to me.  I made it a point to get with God, talk it out, and let it go!  Are you kidding me?  The last thing I need now is the obstacle of unforgiveness in my path!  God gloriously took it, and I am free to move forward without hesitation.  Hallelujah!  I know that is a sign of blessing and favor.  

Having prayed and slept on things, I am not upset at going through yesterday's door.  Yes... it didn't turn out as I expected,  BUT I needed to check that option out.  With that door closed, I am now free to explore other opportunities.  If I hadn't done that, I would always be thinking,  "What if?"

As instructed, I have brought my Bible in the prayer closet with me.  I have been reading in 1 Kings 17 about Elijah.  It does seem that the ravens that have been feeding me are not returning, and the brook has run dry.  Like Elijah, I have been waiting on direction from God.  Today... I have left that dried up place and stepped out by faith to discover the next phase of God's plan for me.

I have prayed very specifically for God to open and shut doors.  With that, I am not boxing God into my small ideas and expectations.  I have no clue what's next! Yet,  I am believing, by faith that...

 "The steps of a righteous man 
are ordered by the Lord;
and He delights in his way.  
Though he fall, he shall not 
be utterly cast down: 
for the LORD holds him up 
with his hand."
Psalm 37:23-24 

I know it's time to get up and move.  As I walk, He will guide.  He will turn me in this direction or that.  Sitting at the dried up brook is no longer an option.    I am not scared.  It's time for a new adventure.  Here I go...

in RED shoes,
