"I love it all!" I hope all of you, dear Rubies, had a wonderful day with family, friends and of course, the Lord!

start packing up all the Christmas decorations until after January 1st.
The house is so pretty at this time of year. Between all the ribbons, bows, ornaments, cards and stockings, the atmosphere is filled with a sense of Divine Anticipation.
It seems that "Anything is Possible!"
I like to let that thought linger as long as as I can.
Today my daughter headed out to visit with some friends for a few days. I have the house to myself. At first I was a little nervous. "What am I going to do with myself ?" Jordan and Pauly are in Jersey. My son, Joe, is in Colorado. And now Gracie is in Orlando. Then it dawned on me...
I've got three whole days
of just Me and The Lord!
What final work does He want to accomplish in my life these last few days of the year? I'm not sure if I should shout "Hooray!" or "Oh no!" LOL! We could be having a praise party, or the Lord could be performing some heavy duty heart surgery on me. What's it going to be? Maybe a little bit of both?
I met with my spiritual mentor today. I told her that I was feeling quite vulnerable. With all the cleaning I've been doing in obedience to God, it's like I have no past. When I look over my shoulder, there's nothing there. There's nothing to hold onto. It's a little scary. I feel like everything behind me has vanished. POOF!
It's only scary because the safety harness has been removed. I was accustomed to having all sorts of "stuff" in my life -- ideas, memories, ways of doing things, traditions to fall back on. In reality, most of that was unprofitable. It didn't work in the past, so why would I think it would work in the future? It was just taking up space in my life.
Sometimes "stuff" makes us feel safe,
but that doesn't mean we are safe.
It can be an illusion.
(Kind of like a parachute that
doesn't open when you jump!)
(Kind of like a parachute that
doesn't open when you jump!)

Truth be told, as I fly into the New Year without my old safety harness, I'm either going to fly or I'm going to fall flat on my face. You can't talk about flying all the time and then never actually do it! I've been flying all year. You have been my witness that God has been with me every step of the way. I have no doubts that He will continue to be with me from here on out as well.
He will be my safety harness.
Him - alone!
That's the next step for me!
I will trust in Him, His Word, and His voice.
I'll listen and I'll obey.
For the first time, in who knows how long, I will be soaring without all that baggage! What a difference that ought to make! Sounds exhilarating!
In RED shoes,