Yesterday was entirely devoted to God. After the angel experience the night before and all the talking at bedtime with God, I woke up determined to press in even further. I started out surfing the net for information on God's Generals and the next thing I know, The Holy Spirit brought me to a few hand-picked YouTube videos that seemed specifically chosen for me.
How do I know they were for me? Well... initially they weren't, but I've told you before, God isn't limited to our time table. When He speaks a Word, it's eternal, not to mention multi-dimentional. That means it might be an exact word for someone it's spoken to at the moment it's spoken... but it can also be an exact word for someone specific who just happens to stumble, (yeah right - we know nothing is by happen stance), upon it months or even years later. And that was me, today!
So there I was watching a video clip of a prophetic service when suddenly...
The Heavens opened
and glory came down!
At first I was just interested in what I was seeing. At a some point, however, -- I'm not exactly sure when -- I became a participant. I was praising God! I was praying in the Spirit! I was shaking! I was proclaiming the goodness of God! And I was boldly prophesying -- out loud! You better believe I had my journal close at hand. I documented it all in great detail.
There was one instance, in particular, in which someone was prophesying over a minister who was stepping into a new calling from the Lord... I'm telling you, it was if He was speaking directly to me. I could feel myself absorbing it fully, like a dry sponge in water. I was saturated! Yeah... I wasn't going anywhere the entire day. I stayed right there in the living room for hours on end.
I had something else planned for the day. I had research to do on an upcoming class I'll be doing. That got tabled for another day. Today I was given access to The Lord, and when that happens, the calendar is cleared. I'm available!
Wow! He spoke several things into my life today, prophetically... not to mention a vision or two -- an important reminder to stay humble -- and specific direction on where to go from here.
His closing remarks to me were this:
"You've heard the Word of The Lord today, Gail.
There will be more -- but in the meantime,
Walk thee in it!
Walk in it!
Walk in the anointing.
It is yours.
Trust Me.
I will enable you to do great and mighty things on my behalf.
Lives will be changed as you yield to me.
Continually let go and let me move through you.
Let go!
Release yourself to me!
Let go! Let go! Let go!
I will move in your midst! says The Lord.
I responded with two questions to Him:
What does that mean --
"Walk in the anointing?"
Isn't it still just "me?"
Here's what He said,
"You are merely a vessel of choice.
As you look back upon all the great men and women of God, throughout the ages -- those who have impacted millions of lives with the Gospel -- It is THE SAME SPIRIT that has dwelt in each one. Those Generals, per say, were all merely vessels filled to overflowing with THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.
And it doesn't end there! Those heros of the Bible... The apostles and disciples of Christ, the Prophets of old, the greatest servants of God, Moses, Joshua, the Judges... all of them were moved, clothed, instructed by THE SAME SPIRIT.
Even today... the evangelists, pastors, teachers, apostles, and prophets -- the ones you look up to and admire -- guess what? They are all filled to overflowing with THE SAME HOLY SPIRIT.
They're all just vessels.
People that have emptied
themselves of self
themselves of self
and allowed God to fill
them with HIS SPIRIT.
them with HIS SPIRIT.
And you, too, are a vessel.
The less of you...
the better the move of God!
the better the move of God!
Let's try it! You'll get it!
But it starts now...
One step at a time."
And if that weren't enough...
Here's the scripture He gave me:
Judges 6:34
"Then the Spirit of the LORD
clothed Himself with Giddeon."
With that said,
here I go...
here I go...
Stepping out in faith,
in RED shoes!