Our study is never "normal"-- "the same old, same old" -- or even "what you'd expect" because God keeps showing up per our request! Today, a mom brought her teenage son with her. If the angels of God were watching, they had to be laughing. We are a diverse group of Christian women, to say the least, with many bold personalities... and here's this young man amongst us for two whole hours.
But God has a plan
for that young man's life.
In the last fifteen minutes, one of our gals said that she wanted to share a vision God had given her prior to coming. Apparently, it included this young man, whom she'd never seen before. She asked him to sit down in a chair in the center of the room, and WOW! she began to prophesy over him a word, that reminded me of Samuel the Prophet anointing the boy, David, to be King. What a glorious event to have witnessed! Time will tell how God manifests in this boy's life. Hmmmm. We'll have to keep our eyes him.
What is also quite astonishing is that God continues to raise up different women in the group week after week. This woman who was prophesying is usually meek and mild... a lovely woman... a good listener, very sincere, and contributes her two cents worth here and there. But today... well, today was different. Like Gideon, The Holy Spirit came upon her, and moved through her in a powerfully, prophetic way. This is starting to become quite common in our group. As we are yielding to Him, our little group of women are becoming vessels for God to move through! --sometimes prophetically, sometimes prayerfully, other times with a song, or divine revelation, even with gifts of teaching, healing and wisdom, the list goes on and on. I'm liking this group a lot!
God has a plan to use each
and every one of those women!
As I headed back to my office, I remembered what the rest of the day had in store for me. I had a business meeting later in the afternoon, in which I needed to bring my pledged offering. I also had no gas in my car to get there. And no money in my account for either.
But there in my purse was a bunch of bills that a couple of the Bible study ladies had insisted upon giving me. Another gal had dropped a little "card" in my bag as well.
Between all of them, there was exactly enough to pay a tithe to my church, get gas, pay the pledge and purchase a ticket for our annual business luncheon that I'm expected to attend. Another gal had brought me a beautiful RED print blouse that she wanted me to have. It fit perfectly and matched my RED shoes to a "T"... so I wore it to the meeting and got several compliments!
Today's manna had arrived! I was really glad that I hadn't had time to even think about it, or worry about it for that matter. I was too busy with what God was doing right in front of me.
God had a plan
and I didn't even know it!
I read that little "card" in my bag. The prophetic words penned on the paper, blessed my soul! Already, I was seeing the words come to pass as God gave me liberty this evening to speak about my faith. People I didn't expect, told me that they are following The Red Shoe Project, and a business associate even asked me if God could guide her in her everyday life. I feel like...
God is rolling out the plan of my life
and we are moving right along now.
Anytime in the past, when He's shared the details with me, I always immediately jump out in front and try to accomplish the plan, on His behalf. Yeh... and I end up falling flat on my face, because I'm not capable of miraculously working the plan... only He can do that -- THE MASTER! So I will say this... At least I know that now. And I don't really want to know the details.
I'm content at just
putting on my RED shoes,
and taking one step at a time,
one day at a time, with Him.
That's all the plan I need to know!
Until tomorrow,