Our study is never "normal"-- "the same old, same old" -- or even "what you'd expect" because God keeps showing up per our request! Today, a mom brought her teenage son with her. If the angels of God were watching, they had to be laughing. We are a diverse group of Christian women, to say the least, with many bold personalities... and here's this young man amongst us for two whole hours.
But God has a plan
for that young man's life.

God has a plan to use each
and every one of those women!

But there in my purse was a bunch of bills that a couple of the Bible study ladies had insisted upon giving me. Another gal had dropped a little "card" in my bag as well.
Between all of them, there was exactly enough to pay a tithe to my church, get gas, pay the pledge and purchase a ticket for our annual business luncheon that I'm expected to attend. Another gal had brought me a beautiful RED print blouse that she wanted me to have. It fit perfectly and matched my RED shoes to a "T"... so I wore it to the meeting and got several compliments!

Today's manna had arrived! I was really glad that I hadn't had time to even think about it, or worry about it for that matter. I was too busy with what God was doing right in front of me.
God had a plan
and I didn't even know it!
I read that little "card" in my bag. The prophetic words penned on the paper, blessed my soul! Already, I was seeing the words come to pass as God gave me liberty this evening to speak about my faith. People I didn't expect, told me that they are following The Red Shoe Project, and a business associate even asked me if God could guide her in her everyday life. I feel like...
God is rolling out the plan of my life
and we are moving right along now.

Anytime in the past, when He's shared the details with me, I always immediately jump out in front and try to accomplish the plan, on His behalf. Yeh... and I end up falling flat on my face, because I'm not capable of miraculously working the plan... only He can do that -- THE MASTER! So I will say this... At least I know that now. And I don't really want to know the details.

putting on my RED shoes,
and taking one step at a time,
one day at a time, with Him.
That's all the plan I need to know!
Until tomorrow,
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