For example, just a few minutes ago, I went into my bedroom to get something out of the closet. When I turned on the light, I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. Some posters, from a concert I attended years ago, were sitting on the top shelf. When I reached up to pull them down, I noticed a bag sitting behind them.
I reached for the bag and sure enough, it was filled with pictures, cards and trinkets from an old time friend. All of it went right in the trash. Then, for the life of me, I couldn't remember what it was I was looking for in the closet to begin with. LOL.
Speaking on God's behalf is greatly rewarding, but it doesn't come without challenges. I've noticed that in all my years as a Christian, God will always test me. If I'm going to tell others what God is saying, I better be following His advice myself. What is it they call you if you don't? Oh yeah...
a hypocrite
- a pretender, a phony, a plaster saint, a fake
- someone who says one thing and does another.
Early this morning, I had decided that I would sit down and put together a video on The 5 Keys to Unlocking the Fullness of God. I didn't really get to deliver the entire message the other night due to time constraints, so I thought it would be a good idea to get it all down on a dvd and upload it to Youtube.

Taking a look a my notes, I gathered my thoughts together and decided to play a worship song before before I got started. I wanted to get my heart in tune with God and invite Him to speak through me during the taping. I closed my eyes, bowed my head and began to pray. You'll never guess what I heard at that very moment?
"Let's not do this now." He whispered.
"I thought we were going to go on a prayer walk."
Really? Surely I wasn't hearing God correctly. I looked at the clock on my computer screen. It was 11:30. "How about we just give this a try, Lord. I promise we'll stop by 1:00 and then go on a prayer walk. I just want to see if I can pull this together."
I went to push the record button and hesitated. What was that? There was a quietness in my heart that I didn't like. "You really don't want to do this right now, do you Lord?"
I didn't actually hear Him say no, but I knew that was His response. Besides... all I could see in my mind was a picture of me prayer walking. "Okay Lord, we don't need to do this now. Let's go for that walk."
I put things back in place, shut down the computer and quickly changed into my work out clothes. Out the door I headed in my RED sneakers, visor and sunglasses. As we walked the three mile course together, talking about this and that, He made it clear that my year was not over yet. Apparently He treasures His one-on-one time with me.
All I can say is that I'm glad I caught myself. I'm glad I didn't push God aside and continue with my own agenda. Oh my gosh... how many times in life have I done that and not even realized it? Too many. But not this time. I'm learning.
In RED shoes,