Significant Growth -- that is a good problem to have!
This morning of blessing started long before 10 a.m.. Kami arrives at 9 to pray specifically for God to move amongst us in our time together. I arrived just before 10 and it seemed that a few other women had joined her. With that in mind, what happened next didn't surprise me.
Before everyone had even arrived and taken a seat, one of the women jumped up and stated that her hands were on fire and that God wanted to heal people. One by one, the women stood in front of her for prayer. Every so often, the power of God would hit someone and down they went on the floor.
It was only a matter of minutes before several people started claiming they were healed. I, myself, stepped forward. Why not? My neck was stiff and sore from sleeping in that recliner several nights in a row. I felt a soothing warmth penetrate into my neck as she laid hands on me to pray. Within a minute or two, she asked me to move my neck around... The pain was gone! What's better than that?
Nancy, Angie and myself all shared some great testimonies, with the ladies, of what God had done at the conference. Bonnie brought it all together with a good word from God. Another great meeting!

It was only a matter of minutes before several people started claiming they were healed. I, myself, stepped forward. Why not? My neck was stiff and sore from sleeping in that recliner several nights in a row. I felt a soothing warmth penetrate into my neck as she laid hands on me to pray. Within a minute or two, she asked me to move my neck around... The pain was gone! What's better than that?
Nancy, Angie and myself all shared some great testimonies, with the ladies, of what God had done at the conference. Bonnie brought it all together with a good word from God. Another great meeting!
Afterwards, we headed over to Restoration Church to confirm our new location. This local church, just around the corner from where we've been meeting, has agreed to let us use one of their rooms. This venue will hold at least fifty, so there's plenty of room for growth. How exciting! The Spirit of God is undoubtedly drawing people to our study. I can't wait to see what happens next.
When I was a little girl -- maybe eight years old or so -- I played in a big field just down the street from my house. It wasn't a park, with nicely manicured greens. It was a field of wild grass, rocks and wetland. It wasn't unusual during the hot summer days, for a fire to start there. The firemen would come out in big RED fire trucks with blasting sirens, to extinguish the flames with their hoses.
One day, while playing outside, I saw a fire. No one was around, so I ran to the telephone pole where the fire alarm hung. As a youngster, I was always taught never to pull the fire alarm unless there was a true emergency. I looked back at the grassy area, the fire was all the way at the other end of the field and looked about four feet high. I looked back at the big RED emergency box on the pole with it's giant letters F - I - R - E. What should I do? The fire was burning. I sensed the importance of time. My hands were sweating as I stood on my tiptoes, pulled down the little white door, and pulled the alarm. I took a deep breath of relief. I did it! Then I looked back at the field, only to find that the fire had gone out. I couldn't believe it. Where did the fire go? I was so afraid of getting into trouble, I ran home before the fire trucks arrived and never told a soul.
Today, it's a different story. I'm sounding the alarm in hope that many will come out to check out the fire of God. I'm mindful that the fire starts in me. But it's also in the women of God around me. They, too, are ablaze for Jesus! Remember that old Sunday school song?
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine."
"Don't let nobody blow it out! I'm gonna let it shine!
Don't let nobody blow it out! I'm gonna let it shine!
Don't let nobody blow it out! I'm gonna let it shine!
Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine."
As we go forth into this next phase of ministry with "The Bonfire," I am praying that God will draw in more and more women. Oh that people would find Christ -- be healed -- set free -- and set on fire for God! We won't be calling on the Fire Department to put out the blaze. No! No! We will be fanning the flame! And I will be there, in my RED shoes, believing God to do a mighty work!
Don't think that the thought hasn't crossed my mind...
"What if the fire goes out?
What if the group doesn't continue to grow?
What if I sound the alarm and people come out to see the fire
and nothing is there?"
I feel like I'm eight all over again.
Well, I'm not that little girl any more. I'm a seasoned professional in Christ. I'm no longer afraid. I'm sounding the alarm and I'm waiting to see who comes out. I'm going to be part of this project that lights the hearts of others with the love of Jesus.
And I'm going to do it in RED shoes!
You are welcome to join me.
When I was a little girl -- maybe eight years old or so -- I played in a big field just down the street from my house. It wasn't a park, with nicely manicured greens. It was a field of wild grass, rocks and wetland. It wasn't unusual during the hot summer days, for a fire to start there. The firemen would come out in big RED fire trucks with blasting sirens, to extinguish the flames with their hoses.

Today, it's a different story. I'm sounding the alarm in hope that many will come out to check out the fire of God. I'm mindful that the fire starts in me. But it's also in the women of God around me. They, too, are ablaze for Jesus! Remember that old Sunday school song?
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine."
"Don't let nobody blow it out! I'm gonna let it shine!
Don't let nobody blow it out! I'm gonna let it shine!
Don't let nobody blow it out! I'm gonna let it shine!
Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine."
As we go forth into this next phase of ministry with "The Bonfire," I am praying that God will draw in more and more women. Oh that people would find Christ -- be healed -- set free -- and set on fire for God! We won't be calling on the Fire Department to put out the blaze. No! No! We will be fanning the flame! And I will be there, in my RED shoes, believing God to do a mighty work!

"What if the fire goes out?
What if the group doesn't continue to grow?
What if I sound the alarm and people come out to see the fire
and nothing is there?"
I feel like I'm eight all over again.
There I am facing the big RED firebox,
contemplating whether or not to pull the alarm.

And I'm going to do it in RED shoes!
You are welcome to join me.