I've had some very interesting conversations with the Lord lately regarding "matters of the heart." I hesitate to discuss such things, even with my Rubies, because it's "odd" to say the least. It's strange to talk about the future, as if it already is, with other people. I have difficulty understanding it all myself, so I can only imagine how crazy it would sound to others. But I'm believing God to do what He's said He will do.
"What I have said, that will I bring about;
what I have planned, that will I do."
Isaiah 46:11b
It's only a matter of time -- I will be getting married!
God has spoken in great detail with me about the person I will marry. That's weird! Don't get me wrong, I love that He's doing that, but it's strange all the same. I have heard the testimonies of people who have claimed this has happened to them -- And now, it's happening to me. How wonderfully bizarre!
Right after God had this long, detailed conversation with me, I walked into church wondering, "Could God really be that detailed?" Within minutes the worship leader did something that he usually doesn't do. He went into a long, drawn out testimony, which he summed up by saying...
"God is so into the details of our lives!"
When I got back to the car, God asked me to read The Song of Solomon. He said He wanted to talk to me about something and that specific scriptures would jump off the pages as I read them. I've tried reading The Song of Solomon before, but without much success. Every time I read that book, it was as if I hadn't read one word. Somehow the words went over my head and got lost somewhere in the atmosphere instead of securing themselves in my heart and mind. I've always chalked that up to bad timing. Sometimes specific scripture is meant for a specific time in your life. When that time comes, BOOM! revelation comes with it!
I got home, sat down, opened the Bible to The Song of Solomon and dug in. Sure enough, a few scriptures jumped out at me, and I took the time to do some research and study. The commentary in my NIV Study Bible noted that...
"Marital loves is the strongest,
most unyielding and invincible force
in human experience!"
How awesome is that! God spoke volumes to me during that special time of study. It was precious! I didn't have much time however, to dwell on the whole thing. The following day, I was scheduled to preach at a women's group, and I was focused on preparing my heart for that. The day after that, I was overseeing The Bonfire and facilitating a Bible group in the evening. Again, my mind was focused on other things. But today was my day off!
Here's what God asked me to do. Remember yesterday's blog? I thought I was writing it for you. Today, however, God told me to go through all my "stuff" and get rid of anything that has an attachment to an old romance -- pictures, gifts, clothing, music, etc. etc. Really? Photographs I can understand, but I have some nice gifts that were given to me. What's with that?
After much heart to heart discussion, I agreed with God that there was no profit in holding on to anything that connected me with a past love. That may sound harsh to some, but after reading The Song of Solomon, I believe that such a thorough act of "heart-cleaning" is crucial in my preparation for a long life of love with that special someone God has for me.
When all was done, the Spirit of God fell upon me and into the Prayer Chamber I went.
"Cleanse every room of my heart!
Wash me clean that I might start afresh!
Most importantly, Lord...
Let no one ever sit on
the Throne of my heart.
Only You!
You are the True Lover of my Soul!
First and Foremost! --
Always and Forever!"
In RED shoes,