I must admit I always dread packing everything up. The house at Christmas is filled with so much warmth and magic! I love those twinkle lights!!! And many of those ornaments warm my heart and make me smile.
I purposely left my favorite ornament on the tree until the very last possible moment. When all else was packed in the box, I reached up and took down "Dorothy's Ruby Slippers". You know they have such significant meaning for me. (The Power and Presence of God in my life). But this time, God whispered in my ear...
"They'll be o.k. packed away for a year...
besides you'll be wearing real ruby slippers every day".
That being said, today was nothing short of an Amazing Afternoon with The Teacher. (The Holy Spirit). It was a day filled with Divine Wonder as He revealed to me something magnificent.
Do you remember doing "Connect the Dots" pictures as a kid? I loved those! Each dot was numbered, and you had to connect the dots consecutively in order to discover the full picture... which until you completed the task, was a total mystery.
Today the Holy Spirit showed me how all these little, random things in my past are connected to one another. Events, People, Conversations, Trials... right down to very specific details.
(It's funny how you can't see how anything connects when you're in the middle of it.)
He connected the dots to show me the details, so that I'd see for myself that all along He's had a plan. And although those details seem random, and in many cases insignificant, when He connected the dots for me...
WOW! It all came together with such brilliance!
Remember I had just mentioned a couple days ago, (Day 17), how God had told me to TRUST HIM and KNOW THAT HE HAS A PLAN? Well, I love this about Him. He always comes back and reinforces the things he tells me so that I know that He's really speaking to me. And that's what he did today. It was a living illustration!
And in seeing how His plan for me was so intricately woven together in the past,
I am assured that it is the same in the days ahead.
I am praising God for His magnificent orchestration in the plan He has for me!
I do BELIEVE! I do. I do. I do.
Be encouraged! I know He's got a brilliant score for you as well!
With love,