Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 213

213 Days... that's how long I've been wearing RED shoes and looking for God.  Last night and most of today was a time of soaking in His presence.  That's right... every free moment, I have found myself with my headset on listening to worship music and closing in with God.  Sure... I've had other things going on too, but, I don't know... I just can't seem to get enough of Him.

Sometimes you just want to be around that  "Special One", you know?  You can't wait for Him to walk in the room, and when He does, you just want to plant yourself next to Him.  When He speaks, you listen.  When He doesn't, you listen anyways...  waiting patiently for words to drop from His lips. Who cares?  You're in His presence.  And when He's not right there in front of you, you're consumed with wondering... "When will He be?" 

Yup...  I'm hooked!  He has won my heart.  It's done.  
I'm His! 

Yesterday, one of the ladies at Bible study shared from
The Song of Solomon 4:9 which says,

"You have ravished my heart, 
my sister, my spouse." 

Another translation of this is could be...

"You have stolen - captured -
 taken possession of my heart.  
I can't get enough of you.
I want to be connected to you!
I want to be with you all the time!" 

King Solomon, (son of King David) is the writer of this magnificent love song. It is primarily the poetic words of The Bridegroom to His Bride.  This is the depiction of the Love of Jesus towards His Bride:  The Church.

Jesus is saying to The Church,  "YOU have captured my heart!"  If  The Church has captured God's heart... that means I've captured God's heart.   Jesus is saying... "Gail... You have captured my heart.  I can't get enough of you.  I want to be connected to you!  I want to be with you all the time!"  
All this time, I thought it was the other way around.  I thought I was pursuing Him.   I thought He had captured my heart.  But no... He's pursuing me!  Really?  He's pursuing me?   WOW!

When my daughter was little, there was this little banter back and forth that we used to have.   I would say, "I love you!" and she would respond, "No, I love you!"  I would return with "No, I love you more!"  and she would say... "No, I love you more!"  After going back and forth several times, we would eventually give up, giggle and say together..."We both love each other." 

I guess that's how it is with God.  We both love each other.
I can't tell anymore who's pursuing who.
All I know is that I love Him!

Maybe this is what...

"Loving the Lord, 
my God with all my 
heart, mind, soul 
and strength"

is all about.  Look!  I'm doing it!

In RED shoes, 