You know that I've been eagerly awaiting this day. God has been prepping me for a wonderful blessing. When I arrived, I sat down with three other women and we got started. Basically this particular prayer and deliverance meeting centered around me reading several pages of script entitled "The Prayer of Release." It consists of line after line of renouncements of oaths, curses, lies, etc that the individual, (my dad), took during his participation in Freemasonry. I lifted up many, many prayers to God, severing ties and entanglements that were passed down generationally to me and my family. The goal is to make a clean break from it all.

Many great things took place during those two hours of non-stop prayer. I can't share them all here and now, but I will let you in on one of the highlights.
As I was reading through lines and lines of script, denouncing various connections and curses, God showed me a picture of my son with threads connecting him to my dad. I thought that rather strange. What could my son possibly have to do with all this? I never anticipated his direct involvement. Wasn't this my time of prayer? But right there, in the moment, the Lord revealed to me that generational curses are normally passed down through the males in the family... father to son to grandson, etc. My father had two daughters, no son. Of his two daughters, one had no children, the other one, (me), had two daughters and a son. That's the male connection. In this case it's grandfather to grandson. Get it?
Now mind you, nobody in the room explained that to me. The Holy Spirit revealed it to me, and I simply spoke it out to the women who were praying with me. I followed through specifically by cutting off those (God revealed) spiritual ties in prayer. The ladies in the circle prayed in agreement with me. That particular piece was huge, it followed with prayers of forgiveness and full restoration between myself and my son.
When it was over, one of the ladies asked me... "What do you see now?" I saw a beautiful waterfall. It was like walking through a dream. I began to describe the waterfall in detail, in all it's splendor. It was magnificent. I felt myself totally drawn to it, and moved in closer to get a better look. The next thing I know, I'm totally immersed in the presence of God. Picture yourself getting right up close to the waterfall, and the mist of it resting on your entire body. Miniscule droplets covering every part of you and just soaking into your skin.
I started to call out,
"It's the Glory of God!
The waterfall is the Glory of God!"
I don't know what the ladies in the circle were doing or thinking at this point. All I know is that I was totally lost in the glory. I felt my posture completely change as I lowered my head almost into my lap in reverence of His presence. My voice became quiet... almost a whisper. I began to weep and repeated over and over again...
"Glory to God... Glory to God... Glory to God! Praise you, Jesus!"

see his face, but it's a man."
"The Lord is telling me not to be afraid. It's okay.
Don't be afraid!"
With that, I moved in for a closer look.
"He looks like a soldier. Yes... he is a soldier. He's very strong. He has big muscles. It looks like he's wearing some sort of military fatigues."
I continued to examine the silhouette and noticed something unusual.
"Woe... He's a big soldier. He must be eight feet tall. He's some sort of watchman." And then it came to me. "He's not a man at all... He's an angel! It's an angel standing behind the waterfall."
I was so mesmerized. This silhouette of an angel was so big, so strong, so protective. "He looks like a giant, GI Joe!" I proclaimed.
One of the ladies asked me. Who's angel is it Gail? Ask the Holy Spirit if it's your angel."
"No... it's not my angel," I responded. "Oh my gosh... the Lord says it's my son's angel. This is the angel that watches over my son! I never have to worry about my son again... He has this giant GI Joe angel watching over him continuously. -- Thank you, Jesus!"

Now it's time to testify~