Right prior to her teaching, an insightful prophetic word came forth in the group in which...
The Lord pleaded to the people
to not only open their hearts,
but to make room in their hearts for Him.
If there is a throne in our heart for God, what or who do we allow to sit there? That's a good question to ask the Holy Spirit.
"God... reveal to me What or Who is
sitting on the throne of my heart?"
Growing up, it was common knowledge in my family that Dad was
"The King of the Castle!" He was the father -- the head of the household -- the provider -- the protector -- a wonderful husband and an awesome dad! None of us every questioned his authority.
Dad had a chair -- a big beautiful recliner. When he came home from work, he sat and relaxed in that chair. He enjoyed conversation with his family in that chair. Sometimes he even made decisions in that chair. Nobody else ever really sat in HIS chair... at least NEVER when he was around! I wonder...
"Is it possible to sit on the
throne of your own heart?"
Yikes! Just saying that makes me uncomfortable. But it happens.
As the prophetic word continued in our meeting, God added...
"Unlock the doors of
your heart and let Me in.
Trust Me!"
Hmmm. Doors... (plural). Are there rooms in our heart that we keep locked up? What's in those rooms? Memories? Skeletons? Secret Sin? Hurts and pains perhaps? Old loves? Wow! That's something to think about.
God doesn't want us to lock those things away!
He wants to help us clean them out.
God is gentle and loving when it comes to our hearts. His touch is tender. He never barges in. That's not His way. He asks like he did today and He waits until we're ready. He understands that it takes time to trust.
Funny thing is... every time I've trusted Him in the past, I ended up wondering afterwards, "Why was I so afraid?" "Why didn't I trust Him sooner?" I wished I hadn't wasted so much time before letting Him in! All that did was prolong the blessing of cleansing and healing.
Tonight, as I examine my own heart,
I'm compelled to trust Him
more often and more quickly!
In RED shoes,