"Get ready!
The Wind is changing direction!"
It's funny how the Holy Spirit can bring just about anything, in great detail, back to your mind. He reminded me of the opening of a movie I saw as a kid, Mary Poppins. I immediately went to YouTube and there it was!
I watched, almost in disbelief,
as the Holy Spirit gave me insight.
The Banks family is about to hire yet another nanny. Up until now, not one has worked out! Once again, an advertisement has been placed in the local paper. Nannies are already lining up at the door to be interviewed. The children, Jane and Michael, have sent out their own advertisement requesting "The Perfect Nanny." With sincere hearts, they have listed in detail exactly what is needed. Truly, this would be an answer to their prayers. They look out the window at those waiting to be interviewed. It doesn't match at all what they've requested. It's just more of the same old, same old, that never works out!
But suddenly, the weathervane changes direction. A report is made that the wind is blowing in from a different corner. The appointed time has arrived... not one minute sooner, not one minute later. A strong gust of wind moves in and begins to blow away all the wrong things that don't fit, only to usher in exactly what is needed... in this case, Mary Poppins.

"It's Time!
I've already set things in motion!"
With a one breath God will blow away the nonsense and usher in the answers. So I'm asking you to watch and wait with me. Expect it!
To "Expect" means to Believe... to Look for it!
To Know that an obligation is about to be fulfilled!
Let's begin to celebrate even now! He loves that when we take Him at His Word, believe, and get excited about it! Join me in clapping your hands, shouting out "Thank You, Jesus!" Wave your arms in the air. Do a little dance. Smile. Shout "Hallelujah!" Go on... put on a little music... take a moment to praise Him with me!
Because if He can do this for me,
He can do it for you!
and all that God brings with it,
as I sport my RED shoes,
"This is the day
that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it!"
(Psalm 118:24)