RED shoes, but something else
stood out even more...
It was the Presence of God
on people's faces.
So I woke up early this morning in order to be ready and waiting for my ride to the Women's Bible Study. When my pal picked me up, we greeted each other as usual and she asked,
"What's happening with you?"
I looked at her and said,
"It's the funniest thing,

with a picture of a $20 bill
on my mind.
It was right there... as plain as day... posted on the billboard of my mind. Isn't that the strangest thing?"
"Not really," she responded pulling a twenty from her purse, "cause I was looking at my money and thought I had a twenty, only to find that I had two twenties, and I asked God, 'Is this one for Gail, Lord?" And He said yes!"
I thought about what the Lord had spoken to me yesterday..."I have already put things in motion." She already had that conversation with God and was ready to give me the money, I just happened to slip in what God had showed me first. Needless to say, I was glowing in amazement of how God orchestrates those kind of things. If I tried to make something like that happen, it would never come together. You just have to praise Him for stuff like that!
Later that morning, at the Bible Study, a woman gave such a powerful testimony of things God had done in her life. Next thing you know... another woman started praying over her for healing. The Holy Ghost just started to move all over the place. People were getting powerfully touched. Our Bible Study turned into a Prayer Meeting like no other. God had a good time with us, and we enjoyed His presence. And the lady who gave the testimony? All I can say is that I looked at her and saw that her face was radiating the love of God.

"I see that God has got special gifts for you that go so far beyond anything you've ever imagined!" she said.
What's so amazing about that, is that as she spoke, I could actually see the picture she was describing perfectly, in my mind. At the same time, I sensed in my spirit that she was holding a water pitcher filled to the brim and was pouring it into me as if I were an empty class. When it was over... I was filled and my countenance was glowing!
There were many joyful faces in that room this morning. Prayers were going up right and left. Prophetic words were released and entanglements were broken. Who would think that all that could happen in the early morning hours in a little back room of a bookstore? When people gather to meet with God... well, He shows up!
Later in the day, I attended the Seekers Class I facilitate, which has pretty much become a New Believers class. We took time to go around the circle and everyone shared where they were with God 10 weeks ago, and where they are now. The testimonies were incredible... life-changing! One gal in particular could barely sit still in her seat. She was so exuberantly happy about her new found faith. It was a joy to sit back and listen to her story. God's presence not only filled the room, buy he seemed to be dancing in everyone's hearts. It was a blessed night!
All this makes me think of a great scripture known as The Tri-Fold Blessing found in Numbers 6: 24-26
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace".
God is good!
I'm so glad my RED shoes reminded me to look for Him today!