Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 187

I'm wearing RED shoes on Day 187 of  The Red Shoe Project and life is stretching me.  OUCH!  

Most days, my focus is two-fold:  

     1.  Drawing closer to God.

     2.  Applying my faith to my everyday life.

In the days of my youth, I studied martial arts for many years.  Almost everyday I would spend time stretching.  There were several different exercises that I went through  in order to stretch every part of my body.  It took a while, but eventually, I was able to stand with my back against the wall, and lift my leg straight over my head.

Note:  Continual, consistent stretching brings forth flexibility!

There was one exercise in particular that was effective in stretching me further and further.  I would sit down with my legs spread apart and someone would slowly apply pressure to my lower back, moving my torso to the floor, between my legs.  Over time, I was able to rest my torso flat on the floor.

Note:  Applying pressure during stretching brings greater results!

Stretch - capable of making longer or wider without breaking or tearing.

Focus - the ability to concentrate on a particular activity, project, or interest.

Flexibility - capable of bending easily without breaking. 

Resilience - the ability to spring back into shape after stretching.

Balance - an even distribution of weight enabling one to be steady and unwavering.

These last few days many opportunities have surfaced to test me and stretch me in the applying of God's Word to my life.   I've had to take a time out from my normal, every day routine to do things a little differently.  For example, my house has been filled with family and close friends who are visiting, so I can't just take off and go on a three mile prayer walk or sit at my computer for four to fives hours at a time.  I had to do a lot of cooking, entertaining and tidying up.  All that takes time.  

Note:  Opportunities are situations or circumstances that arise in order for you to do something.

It's not just the work involved.  I have people staying with me that I love.  That doesn't happen often, let alone, all of them visiting at the same time, so when it does, I have to lay some things aside and focus on the priority for the day.

Priority - a thing that is regarded as more important than another.

Switching gears isn't my strong point.  But years of practice have helped my flexibility, resilience and balance.  I've had to work a little harder these past few days to make sure I don't miss out on the importance of this time.  

"Do not merely listen to the word 
and so deceive yourselves.  
Do what it says!"
James 1:22

My "Usual Daily Routine"  is easy because I do it everyday.   I love drawing closer to God, working on a deeper relationship with Him, hearing His voice.  I love facilitating classes, teaching and exhorting the people of God.   

 But a household of people?  Whew!... that means putting into practice all that God's Word teaches me.  Things like patience, holding my tongue, listening more, being a servant, encouraging others and lots of going with the flow. Those are things that stretch me!  It's the practical application of His Word.  

Note:  Balance does not necessarily mean daily equal distribution of both Drawing Closer to God and Applying His Word to my life.  Some days consist of personal one-on-one tutoring with the Master, Himself.  Other days, it's the life application of everything He's teaching me.  He sets the daily schedule and chooses the weighting of each.

It's been a busy few days.  It's been a good few days.  What can I say?  God's stretching me out, all while wearing RED shoes.


Day 186

Today was Day 186 of  The Red Shoe Project. I popped on my RED shoes and headed out the door to do errands.  I can't get Psalm 23,  (The Lord is My Shepherd),  out of my mind!  More specifically... I keep thinking about the bramble bushes.  Bramble are wild, tangled, prickly shrub.  If a sheep wanders off from the others, it becomes vulnerable to predators.  It can get lost.  It may even fall into a ditch or get caught in the bramble.  I am a sheep.

All day, I kept picturing a time -- long ago -- when I was caught in the bramble.  Have you ever found yourself in a situation and wondered...

 "How the heck did I get here?"

There you are -- fallen -- into some sort of dark ditch where you don't belong.  It's a sad and lonely place.  It's a dark place.  And you're stuck, amongst the thorns,  unable to move.

I was tricked!  The enemy of my soul showered me with lies, and I grabbed a hold of one of them and made it my own.  I kept believing the lie, that this road -- that so nicely catered to my flesh -- would provide the answer I'd been looking for.  It seemed like a valid option at the time.  But I only saw what I wanted -- the result -- and with that, I totally overlooked the fine details of sin.

I wasn't a Christian, but even still, I knew that I was in the wrong place, doing the wrong things.  In that dark, forsaken hole, I  knew that I had been created for something more...  destined for something better.  Why had I settled for so much less?  What happened to my dreams?  

The last time I was in the bramble, (Yes, I found myself there on more than one occasion),  I was a Believer.  That was even worse!  Eventually, the truth seeped in.  What had I done?  Spiritually speaking, I had squandered everything of importance running down a rabbit trail that lead nowhere.  I took a chance and came up empty.

How did I get there? 
 I took little steps, 
one after the other, 
in the wrong direction.  

At first,  I just distanced myself slightly from the fold.  Before I knew it,  the others were out of sight.  I was in a strange place, unfamiliar territory.   Someone told me it was freedom.  I could do whatever I wanted to do and that I shouldn't  worry about a thing.  They pointed out how good it felt... and I believed.  I shut off my conscience and took off running. 

Looking back now, I was a rebel,   a dissenter,    a non-conformist.   I made a decision and wandered off.  My intention was never to become a deserter,  a renegade,  a traitor.   I never thought that far ahead.   I just wanted "it."   The sad thing is...  I never really got "it."   I got something that looked like "it,"  but  it turned out to be a counterfeit,   a fraud,   a fake,   a knockoff.   The enemy,  who positioned himself as my new friend, never delivered.  While entangled in that horrible bramble,  I realized that this so called friend,  never had any intention of delivering "it."   I'd been duped! -- fooled! --  taken advantage of.  He was no friend.  He was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I'm not passing on the blame, here.  When that moment of reality sunk in, it was clear...  I should have known better.  I should have stayed put.  I should have trusted my shepherd. I should have been obedient.  But I didn't.  I let it all go, on what now seems, like  a whim.
 Luke 15:4 says...

"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep 
and loses one of them.
Doesn't  he leave the ninety in the open country and 
go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"

The Shepherd's  hand reached down and gently moved apart the bramble.  He pushed away the thorns.  He untwisted the vines and released me from the depravity of the thicket.  He pulled me up into His arms and held me close to His heart.  Ahhh!  True freedom!  True safety!  True Love!  The real thing!

Today, as I look at the people around me, I notice that many are stuck in the bramble.  They don't look so good.  As I hear their stories, as I see the physical, emotional and spiritual effects of their sins...  when I want to turn and look away... when I want to cast judgement...  NO!!!  Don't let me, Lord!  

Let me remember that it wasn't 
all that long ago that I was there myself.  

I was no better, no worse.  I deserved nothing... yet You reached out to me!  You cared for me!  You loved me!  How can I love like that? like The Shepherd?  like The Father?   I have no idea.  I don't know how.  I don't  even know where to begin.  

I know I'm not capable of such love on my own.  Every time I've tried, I've gotten it wrong.  Besides, they don't want to come out of the thicket to be with me.  They know that I can't deliver on their dreams.   I can't supply their deepest needs.  I'm lucky if I can smile and say, "Jesus loves you!"  That seems so empty, so powerless coming from me.  But I don't want to walk along,  blind -- or even worse, in denial of the sheep that are caught in the bramble.   It must be You, Lord!  It must be You!  

It's not enough anymore 
to wear the RED shoes.  
It's not enough for me to look for You.  
I must look like you!

Even then, I am
powerless unless
The Holy Spirit,
in me, works
through me.

Only He can
deliver on the
promises of God!

Only He can
save a soul!

Only He can
transform a life!

Is it possible for
you to do those
things through me

Can we work together 
in Divine Partnership?

That is my desperate plea today.
