Remember when I shared the testimony of the man who walked out the door and smelled the beautiful fragrance of the gardenia bush? ... and God said to him, "That's how I smell!" Well last night, we had another wonderfully "wrecked" brother, who shared how he's been talking to God about his deceased dad, and wondering if his dad is now with Him. He happened to go by his dad's cemetery plot this weekend... just because. His dad was on his heart. (So many of us can relate to that situation).
What "wrecked" him was the fact that right by his dad's site is something that he never noticed before... a beautifully overgrown, totally in bloom, and fragrant to the max, gardenia bush. You guessed it... He remembered the other brother's testimony, and now God was using the gardenia bush to speak specifically to him. How great is that? What a glorious testimony! We were all a bit "wrecked." God is reaching into the depths of His children's hearts and pouring in His magnificent love! There's just nothing like a powerful, personal touch from God! And recycled testimonies are often doubly anointed!
At the end of the meeting, we closed in prayer, with another member in our group, re-dedicating their life to God, and preparing to be water baptized. His sincere prayer to God was so moving. He stated afterwards, "Oh I prayed this prayer before, because I had to, and nothing happened. But now... ever since I've been coming around this church and these meetings, God is everywhere and all sorts of things are happening. I'm in!"
If that weren't enough, my co-facilitator insisted that I get in the middle of our prayer circle so that the group could lay hands on me and pray for me as I head out on this trip. Just the fact that they did that was awesome, let alone that it was so sincere and powerful! I felt like I was floating on air when I left. Our Monday night group may be small, but it's impacting lives... mine included!

After a powerful morning of ministry, the gals had me sit in the center of their prayer circle where they prayed God's blessing upon me. Talk about the Fire of God! I felt commissioned to go! By the time I got to the airport, I was glowing and going! LOL.
So, I have opened my heart and just taken in all the blessings that were poured out to me in prayer, in words of encouragement, and in gifts in these last 24 hours. My cup is full and running over. I say,
You have blessed me with many great FRIENDS."
Traveling in RED shoes,