This 107th Day of The Red Shoe Project was a continual
confirmation and reinforcement of what God spoke to me yesterday.
A confirmation is when something is repeated, from different sources, to strengthen one's belief in something.
When the same thing is being delivered
to you over and over again... Take notice!
For example, I may sense that God is speaking something specific to me, at the morning, women's Bible study. Later in the day, a very similar thought, or idea is presented to me, when an old friend unexpectedly calls me, out of the blue, to tell me something. I find myself thinking... "Isn't that funny, God just spoke that to me this morning!" Even later, that same day, I turn on the car radio, and there it is again... the same scripture verse, only in a song, and it's as if it's playing on the loud speaker of my mind! I think to myself, "Ok this is weird, it must just be a coincidence." But then I wake up the next day, open my morning devotional, and low and behold there it is again! The same message. The same scripture. I can't get away from it. Yes... God's speaking to me!
Same message -- Different methods of delivery --
Different messengers -- All in a short period of time.

It's as if my heart recognizes the importance of that message being delivered, and protects it by putting a firmer hold on it. The seed is pushed deeper and deeper into the soil of my heart, where it's safe to grow.
Just like the day before , I threw those RED high heels on this morning and headed out the door for appointments. Today, however, my routine was quite different. Where I went, what I did, who I met with -- it was all unique... except for God's message to me. There it was again:
"God is rolling out the plan of my life
and we are moving right along now."
Yesterday, God spoke that to my heart early in the morning. In the afternoon, He confirmed it in the little card I received from a friend. Unknowingly, she penned the most beautiful prophetic words that God had spoken to me earlier. She didn't know God had spoken that to me. She just felt prompted to write me some words of encouragement. Although, God does use her that way, so she may have known that God was speaking through her. Later that night, a series of events took place, and I felt as if what had been spoken to me, and written to me, was now actually taking place right in front of me. Surely this was God "rolling out" His plan!
When God confirms something He has spoken in my life, He always repeats it at least 3 times. It's as if He...
- Delivers it.
- Says it a second time to make sure I heard it.
- Repeats it one more time so that I have no doubts, whatsoever, that He's speaking to me.
Some people think that it's easy to miss God's voice, but that's not my experience. When God wants me to know something, He goes out of His way to make sure I "get it." And, He purposely puts "His Unique Thumbprint" on things so that I'll know that it's Him and that He's speaking to me. He doesn't want me wondering,
"Is this really God?" And He doesn't want me guessing as to whether or not I totally understand what exactly He is trying to say to me.
He wants me Confident and Assured so that I can receive what He's saying and walk in it, by faith!

So today, clad in my RED shoes, God continued to "roll out" the plan He's been telling me about for months. There has definitely been a SHIFT. We are moving from the development of the blueprint to the specific action items involved to bring about the manifestation of His plan. I have no doubts that in the days and weeks and months ahead, I will begin to see things "take shape." This will require me to be obedient to God's direction and walk things out. Whewww! I am fortunate in knowing that people are praying for me to do just that!

One step at a time, one day at a time.
It might be rough at times,
but that's how I'll make it !
The days will turn into weeks
and the weeks into months.
And before I know it,
I will see God's plan coming into existence."
With each step,
my RED shoes remind me that
I'm not walking this out alone...