I'm also trying to keep my prayers conversational... as if Jesus and I were just two friends, talking face to face. Have you ever caught yourself praying in King James? LOL. I find my prayers are, sometimes, overly formal and although there is much to be said regarding reverence to God, right now I'm focusing on intimacy. That's a lot harder than I thought. Somehow, I'm hoping that if I strip away all the excess formality and stick to the mere basics, I'll touch a chord of Christ's heart that I never have before. We'll see.
Intimacy = close familiarity or friendship.
Closeness. Togetherness. Cohesion. Agreement.
Have you ever sat in a presentation and the speaker uses all sorts of big, fancy words? I've got to wonder, "Surely I'm not the only here that doesn't have a clue what the speaker is talking about?" And if that's the case, why would the speaker use words that are sure to confuse me, the listener? I always thought the goal of the speaker was to get across their message clearly and concisely, so that the audience can fully receive it, and in turn do something with it.
I guess I'm wondering if the same thing is true with prayer. Sometimes my words to God can seem more poetic than precise. It all sounds good, but do I even know what I said? The good thing is that God knows everything. He knows my heart and He understands what I mean, even if I don't. But I want to be clear, so that I understand what I'm saying as well. I want my words to be accurate, specific, unambiguous and to the point. When I talk with my family and friends, I don't talk like I'm in a performance of Pride and Prejudice. I just say what I have to say, directly to them. In the same respect, I'm not careless with my words. I think about what I want to say before I say it.

Praying can be a lot like slipping on a pair of RED shoes. I don't wear my fancy RED stilettos to run around town, doing errands. That would be way too uncomfortable... not to mention it would be completely inappropriate and yes, it would look totally ridiculous!
I make sure the RED shoe fits the occasion. Right?
In my private time with God...
When my heart is wide open to Him,
When I'm naked and vulnerable in a way that I'm not with anyone else,
When we are talking about life,
When I'm being real with Him and He's being real with me...
Yeah, that fancy talk just wont do.
tell Him what's on my heart!
-plain & simple-