I will remember Day 327 of The Red Shoe Project
as the day I almost missed my flight!

It feels like I've been waiting forever. We've been talking about getting together for days, but life and its responsibilities have muddled up my calendar. Chatting from afar is good, but it's just not enough. It doesn't cut it! I want and need a true, face-to-face encounter with the Living God -- the kind that leaves me satisfied.
I want to be able to get up off my knees saying...
"That was awesome! I met with God!"
Have you ever arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, ready and eager to get on board and get to your destination, only to have your flight delayed? Bummer! Over the speaker comes the announcement that it's going to be another hour while they complete some testing on your plane. Disappointed, you take a seat and wait it out. An hour goes by and another announcement comes over the loud speaker. Now it's going to be two more hours before you flight takes off. They're waiting for another plane to fly in with a part for your plane. Really? Two more hours? You consider looking for another option only to find that there are no other options.
Darn it!
I had it all planned out
and well, it's just not
going as planned.
I tried everything today. All I wanted was to get into His presence and have a great time of prayer. I wanted so desperately to hear His voice speaking directly to me. But NO... I couldn't get a flight out. They were all delayed.
I tried sitting in a quiet place, and found the littlest things distracting. I went on the back porch, sat on a lawn chair, closed my eyes and attempted to get into that secret place. Instead, I fell asleep. When I awoke, I got up and began to pace back and forth, telling God what was on my mind. I was trying so hard to get in the groove and nothing was happening. It was frustrating. I took a break, made myself something to eat, sat down and chatted some more. I read a little Bible, asked God a few questions, and... nothing -- there was no reply.
Hours went by. It's not like I had anything else to do. I'd cleared my schedule for Him and it wasn't happening. I wanted to sit down and cry, but that wasn't going to change things. I sat at my computer, thinking that maybe I would write my blog early and try to get another flight later. Only problem was...
I didn't really have anything to say. I hadn't met with God yet.
I decided I'd listen to a little music while I waited. One song - Two songs - Three. God spoke quietly to my heart and reminded me of the "Feeling Groovy" song.
"You're so impatient
sometimes, Gail!" He said.
"Slow down! You move too fast. You've got to make the morning last!" I think that's how the lyrics go. I put it on and listened to it. It made me smile. I might not have been "in the air" but at least I could hear his still, soft voice speaking to my heart. So I followed that song with "The Happy Song." I wasn't on my feet dancing, but I was at least enjoying the wait. Different songs that move me, began to come to mind. I pulled out my ear buds, plugged them in, and loaded up the queue. I closed my eyes, sat back and enjoyed the music.
At first, I just felt blanketed with peace. At least I had left frustration behind -- even if I was still "on the ground." Then, quite unexpectedly, I found myself on the runway and taking off. Somehow, I got "caught up" in the music and found God waiting for me there. It was a glorious flight! Two hours later my plane landed and sure enough, I got up off my knees saying...
"That was awesome! I met with God!"
My soul is satisfied! Now I can go about my business. Thank you Lord!
I'm glad I didn't give up! I could so easily have missed out on a great flight. It was well worth the wait. It always is!
In Red Shoes,