mind, of "The BIG Picture."

Then quite suddenly, "POOF!"
The picture is gone! I've lost it.
Immediately, I start trying to grab ahold of each detail in my memory and put the schematic back together piece by piece. I want see it again! I want to study it! But it's near impossible.
I have a favorite game that I sometimes play when people come to my house. It's called "The Tray Game." Before anyone arrives, I take a large tray and position random items on it. Sometimes as many as 15 or more. I walk around slowly and let everyone take a good look at what's on the tray. I put the tray away and ten or fifteen minutes later, I pass out some paper and pens, and ask people to write down, in detail, what they remember was on the tray. When everyone is done, I bring back the tray and we see who remembered the most and in the greatest detail!

to collage. My idea of collage is a bunch of pictures cut out of magazines, pasted on a poster board, with some words added. But that's not how Carolyn does it.
No sir-eee! She's an amazing artist, totally in tune to detail. Her collages include paints, pens, markers, buttons, cards, glitter, ribbons, pics, jewels, words, dates, poems, sayings, and more.
Every single item means something specific to her.
particulars, features, characteristics,
attributes, specifics, aspects, facets,
parts, units, components, pieces, elements.
Today the vision rested in my mind a little longer than usual. I was able to remember a lot of the details. I called a close friend and basically downloaded, on the spot, "the BIG picture" from memory. The collage we put together consisted of things God had spoken to me from His Word; promptings from Him in my heart; specific incidences that occurred that somehow stood out; remembrances of how God did things in the past; similar prophetic utterances from different people; tons of confirmations and reinforcements, anointed conversations, unique thoughts and divine wisdom.

Truly, God speaks in a variety of ways, and sometimes, like today, we can collage those details to see the Big Picture.
"For I know the plans I have for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Kicking off my RED shoes for the night,
and trusting God to bring it all together as
He wills it.