Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 54

Day 54 of  The Red Shoe Project found me tired, shoeless, and wiggling my RED toe nails as I sat slumped in my chair, looking for answers.  Being "TIRED"  can mean a number of things...

Exhausted, Drained, Weak, Weary, Fatigued, Depleted, Tuckered out,
Worn out, Lacking sleep, No energy,   Not functioning correctly, and more!

When that happens...

"Be sober!  Be vigilant!
For your enemy, the devil, 
is prowling around 
looking for someone to devour!"

(1 Peter 5:8)

I need to remember that!  Because it points out that when I'm tired, I'm basically a "sitting duck"...

 allowing access or passage - a "clear shot"
susceptible, an "easy target" 
to emotional, physical and spiritual  attack. 

During that time...

  • I can let my mind wander and think too much.
  • I can dwell on unprofitable things.  
  • I can get caught up in conversations I don't belong in.
  • I can be easily deceived or taken advantage of.
  • I can be discouraged.

Those things are such  a petri dish for "UNBELIEF" to grow and multiply in.

Instead, the Apostle Peter instructs us to:

Resist the devil 
Stand Firm
in the faith!

(1 Peter 5: 8,9)

Tonight I did just that in 3 ways:

First... I texted my friend and spiritual mentor asking for prayer.  Not only did she gather together her prayer partners, but she forwarded to me some good, solid instruction from The Word for me to meditate on.

Second... I threw on my RED SHOES and went to church expecting God to speak. And He did!  He spoke through the minister who delivered a powerful Word -- which just happened to fit my situation perfectly!  (I love when God does that!)

And Third... I opened up my Daily Devotional.  I love how God can use a message from a random book, that speaks to thousands, and still uniquely apply it to me! Even the scripture references were "right on!"

It seems that God delivered the answer to me in three different courses which built  one upon the other.  I had to figure it out... work it out... and pull it together in blog format for this Red Shoe Project, but now that it's all done and over with, I am putting it all into practice.

Resisting and Standing Firm 
