Here I was on a Sunday, sitting on a bed in my Mom's guest room, having church. LOL. I must admit that this is rarely my 1st choice, but God delivered BIG time. I love that about The Red Shoe Project... it's noticing God's Power and Presence WHEREVER you are!
The Bishop's message was on the gifts God has given us... along with the opportunity we have to make the most out of them. It's funny, because right before I "tuned in" for church, I was writing in my journal about Excellence... and the idea of "Pouring oneself out as a drink offering unto the Lord." I've always admired people who under the anointing of God, extend their unique gifts into the realm of the Divine. To watch that is more than moving... It's Awesome!
Listening to Bishop Jakes was no disappointment. As He operated in His own unique and anointed gift, I was challenged to take a look at where I stand before God in regards to the gifts He's given me and what I'm doing with them. There was one thing, in particular that The Bishop said that really struck me:
"You are burying what you should be exposing
and exposing what you should be burying."

It's taken God a good year to unwind me and unwrap me. I am now reflecting who I am in Christ more authentically than ever before. There's still more work to be done... but I'm well on my way.
As to my gifts... Since I gave my heart to the Lord in 1983, I've always had a strong connection with Christ, an ability to hear his voice, and a passion to talk about what He's doing in my life. Finally, I am working those opportunities for His Glory by Blogging, Writing, Speaking, Facilitating and Teaching... specifically about Him.
As I continue to move forward on this Yellow Brick Road, it's my hope and prayer that lives will be touched by Him... that those seeking a Divine Connection with God will find it... that those looking to live an abundant life for Christ, without all the entanglements of religiosity, will see how it's done and join me. Literal RED SHOES are optional, of course!
What about you? Do you know your specific purpose in life? What are your unique gifts? Are you using them for God? I don't ask those questions lightly. The process of discovering the answers to those questions can take years... But we all need to start that journey sometime. I'm not sure we'll ever be truly happy until we are living in our true purpose.
Who would have ever thought that mine happens to be in RED SHOES!