Hospitals are all about saving lives. And as I drove, with God in the seat beside me, I sensed a weight of importance that I'd never considered before. It's a realization that you're not just on this Board, for the reasons you thought, but that there's a whole other dimension to it... a spiritual dimension. God has placed you there for a higher purpose. He wants to do something specific. And like any CEO of any company... He brings in "His people" to get the job done.
"His People"-- Just who are they? There are many people who call themselves Christians. They identify themselves that way because they align with Christian values. That's a Good thing, but that's not what I'm talking about here. "His People" is referring to those who are in Divine Partnership with Him and totally open for God to move through them to accomplish His perfect will. There's an old saying...
"God works in mysterious ways,
His wonders to perform."
It's funny how wearing these RED shoes every day
has changed my perspective on so many things!
Later in the day, I connected with a new friend and business associate that God has specifically brought into my life for a purpose. I love this Girlfriend!!! Why? First of all, she's simply Amazing! She is a "Seasoned" woman -- a high level businesswoman who has impacted companies all over the country. I know she is one of "His People". Others would not necessarily notice that, but as I have learned of the incredible experiences and achievements she has tucked under her belt, (or perhaps we should say, "stuffed in her purse"), it's obvious that God has shuffled her from one place to another, over the years, to do His bidding.
There's a greek word, "koinania" (pronounced coin-uh-nee-uh) which refers to a special fellowship amongst Christian believers. It's when God brings "His people" together for a specific purpose, and the connection they have with one another goes beyond the typical friendship. It has a spiritual dimension to it. They instantly "click" with one another. They recognize that this Divine Friendship or Team has God at the center of it, and with that "Anything is possible!" "All things are possible!"
I love when that happens! Because when God is at the helm, get ready for full speed ahead adventure. You're in for a ride! A ride that will challenge you. A ride that will stretch you. A ride that will amaze you. It's a ride that ultimately brings total Glory to Him! That's what happens when God puts together a team for His purpose.
So, as God is building a team around me, I'm excited about what lies ahead. And I'm not afraid. These RED shoes have given me a new strength and confidence in Him. And I don't have to do this alone. He's given me Divine Divas to work with! Hallelujah! Here we come!