Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 25 of  The Red Shoe Project started with a message:

 "Put a lid on it!"

I was barely awake, and all of a sudden, there came an onslaught of negativity!  Voices in my mind, coming from all different directions. Negative, discouraging voices. You know what I mean... those voices that say:

  • You can't do that!
  • What will people think?
  • That person's probably thinking this about you right now!
  • What about this?
  • What about that?
  • You can't keep focusing on Jesus... there's other things that need your attention.
  • It will never happen.
  • God won't come through.
  • Maybe you should try something else!
  • Time to take matters into your own hands!

Man those voices can be relentless!  Non-stop.  Never-ending. All shouting and veering for my attention.


There was one voice.  It was different from all the rest.  It wasn't loud, but it was firm, and it pressed it's way through the crowd of discouragement.

The Voice said,

"Gail,  Time to put a lid on this trash".  
Snap the lid in place so that it's on tight and nothing can fall out. 
Put it outside for collection."

That voice is My Friend, The Holy Spirit. He's easy to distinguish because He's never negative. He's never loud. He's never abrasive. He never tears me down.  He builds up.  He's loving,  joyful,  peaceful,  patient,  kind,  gentle, and good. That doesn't mean that He never corrects me, because He does.  But He does it in a God way... a positive way,  that always has a positive impact on me.

You know what that voice said to me just the other day?  He said,

"I like it when you smile!  
You look good when you smile".

Today,  I put on a smile, along with my RED SHOES.  I looked good and I felt good - I felt good about myself and about where I'm going.  And I'm reminded that I'm not traveling alone. I look down at my feet, and remember that The Holy Spirit is always with me.  What a GREAT Traveling Companion!

Remember... you don't have to keep the trash in your house until trash day.  Everyday you can dump the trash into the Trash Can outside and
"Put a lid on it!"

Have a happy day!