Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 276

Day 276 of  The Red Shoe Project was so different than all the rest.  In some ways it was just like every other day -- my RED shoes were on my feet -- but what made it so unique was that I heard the Lord whispering to me all day long and into the night.  He kept saying the same thing over and over again.

"Talk to me."

"I thought I was doing that, Lord?"  

"You can go deeper."  
He said.  "Drop all the formalities and just 
talk with me.   Ask me about everything.  

Remember that old song by Peter, Paul and Mary -- Blowing in the Wind?

"The answer 
my friend 
is blowing 
in the wind.
The answer 
is blowing 
in the wind."

It was as if God's voice was everywhere.

  "Talk to me.  Talk to me."

I tried talking to him.  "Don't use fancy words!"  He said.  "Just talk to me."  To be honest,  it was a little awkward.  "Don't be praising and singing!  Just talk to me."  Finally, I found myself a quiet place.  This was going to take some effort on my part.  The place was so quiet, I fell asleep.  LOL.
Not once -- but twice  -- in two different places!

I took a break from all that and listened to some preaching on YouTube.  The text was Isaiah 59:1 which says...

"Surely the arm of the Lord 
is not too short to save, 
nor his ear too dull to hear."

Quickly, I threw on my RED sneakers and work out clothes and went for my prayer walk.  Ahhhh... the conversation began, finally!  We had a good talk about some things. We  "cleared the air," so to  speak.  He told me that He wants me to speak with Him continually so that I get totally tuned and accustomed to His voice.  He knows that's a concern for me.  Then He reminded me of yesterday's Holy Ghost Hug.  The word that He spoke to me through Zeva was this:  "I know every single one of your concerns!  And I am working on each one of them!"

With all that, I began to meditate on Isaiah 59:1.  God is able to do anything, and his ear doesn't just hear the words of my mouth, but the words of my heart and mind as well.  And He doesn't just hear -- He understands!  He knows me better than I know myself.  He created me.  He wired me.  He understands how I work.  Heck --  I don't even get that!  

So He's working with me.  Somehow, I know He'll get this partnership of ours up and going, functioning at it's optimal best!  

One day at a time,
in RED shoes, 
