Today is
Day 301 of
The Red Shoe Project. All day I was sporting
RED shoes. It's funny, because sometimes it seems as if God didn't really speak anything specific to me. Then, when I sit down and look back on the details of my day, I see there was a common thread that tied all these random events together. It's a message of sorts... a message from God... to me!
Take today, for instance... I joined one of my "Rubies" for lunch and one of the things we discussed was healing. (Day 299). She's with me. We don't understand it all, but we are moving forward with what we know, figuring the Holy Spirit will fill us in on the rest as we go.
"I wonder what you'll find in the back of
your prayer closet after Pauly leaves?"
she inquired.
"I'm hoping to find answers
on this whole healing thing."
I responded.

Later in the afternoon, I decided to give Pauly a bath, so that he'd be nice and clean for his trip up north. That is no easy task! He's not overly fond of the water and it was a cooler day today. I decided to coax him into my bathroom and give him a shower. It took a little trickery, but eventually he was scrubbed clean. Afterwards I laid towels all over the bathroom floor, dried him off and then took out the blow dryer. He loves the blow dryer! He rolled over onto his back and just totally enjoyed the moment.

I love that pup! I'm sad to see him go, but at the same time, I'm hoping to find a LOVE -- somewhere in that prayer closet -- that is greater than I ever could have imagined. Perhaps the secret to loving my neighbor is in there? Maybe I'll pray my future husband into existence? LOL Who knows what it will be like when I draw closer to the heart of God? Any of those things is bound to impact my life in a wonderful way!
Tonight I spent some time helping my daughter pack for her move. WOW! She has a lot of stuff -- closets, drawers, things that fit under the bed, boxes, bags, shelves and all sorts of containers -- filled!
"I need it all!"
she proclaimed.

That got me to wondering about how much stuff I have in my prayer closet. Ideas, methods, mindsets... journals of past prayers. I wonder if my prayer closet needs to be cleaned out? Are there old ways that need to be chucked? When I get in there, I want to be able to move freely to the heart of God without obstruction. Am I holding on to a bunch of outdated methodologies?
Even worse... will I find cobwebs?
I'm excited! I can see that God has already begun preparing my heart for what's ahead. I'm looking forward to this great adventure. It's a little scary. Sometimes I wonder if I'll be lonely, but then I remind myself that this is not a solo adventure. I'm going in, to draw closer to Christ. He will meet me there.
I realize that this is an experience of a lifetime. Somehow, I have found myself in a place in which all I have to do is open the door and walk in. All the obstacles have been cleared away. Yes... it's took over 300 days to do that, but that part is done. Now it's time to go in...
in RED shoes,