I hate legal documents! They are worded so carefully... so why is it so difficult to understand what they are actually saying? LOL. I will have to call my legal advisor. He'll answer all my questions and bring me up to speed on things. I set the letter aside and headed out the door for my prayer walk.
Focussing my attention on the path before me, I took ten steps and POW!
It hit me: The Voice of God - so clear - so loud - so to the point.
"Gail... I don't want you
to worry about that letter!"
to worry about that letter!"
He continued...
"Don't waste your time or energy thinking about it!
Instead, fill you mind with
other things - good things!"
* * *
"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
* * *
I moved along quickly in my RED sneakers, not missing a step. Before long, I was back home. What a profitable prayer walk! I was really focussed this morning and managed to lift quite a few people up to God in prayer. I smiled -- there was Pauly, waiting at the window, ready to go for his walk. I popped on his leash and around the block we went. Again, God spoke.
other things - good things!"
* * *
"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
* * *
Writing about it now, I just want to rejoice! But how did I get a perfect fix on God's station with absolutely no static? Have I done something that has given me better reception?
Do I now have a God-connection with Verizon FIOS ?
I took off on my walk joyfully bewildered. "Okay!" I said in return. "I won't give it a second thought!" Boldfully, I laid out my prayers before God, chatting in between requests about my heart's desires. Along the path I noticed bundles of purple flowers hanging from trees, like grapes from a vine. "Only in Florida!" I thought. Next, a butterfly fluttered past. The sky was blue. There was a cool breeze. What a day! I had definitely gotten started on the right foot!
About a mile and a half into the walk, "the letter" popped into my mind.
"Oh no... I'm not going there!"
I cried out.
Like a powerpoint presentation, I immediately moved to the next slide filled with the names of people who need prayer. Per God's request, I have removed "the letter" slide that wants to flash on the screen of my mind. That's my way of taking every thought captive.
"We demolish arguments and every pretension (claim)
that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

"Gail... I don't want you
to worry about that letter!"
I was so taken back by how clearly God was speaking to me that I almost missed what it was He was saying. "Okay Lord! I won't."
Fifteen or twenty minutes later, Pauly and I had done our loop around the neighborhood and were back at the house. Just then, the strangest thing happened. As we walked into the alcove to go in the front door. Pauly freaked out. Something was in there. I pulled back on his leash and moved away to give the animal a way out. It was a bird. It flew up onto the roof where I could get a good look at it. I was amazed at how quiet and still it sat there looking down at me. Really? Pauly is a big dog. You'd think that bird would have flown off in a hurry. Come to think of it... rarely have I seen any kind of bird in my front yard... certainly never in the alcove. I wondered...
"What kind of bird are you?"
I looked closer and gasped in disbelief.
"Oh my gosh... Are you a dove?"
I stated out loud, squinting my eyes to focus.
Pauly rustled, eager to get indoors. When I looked back, the bird was gone. I rushed in the house, headed to my computer and googled: "Doves." There it was on the screen: an exact picture of the bird on my roof...
a dove... a mourning dove.
Funny that I've never noticed that kind of bird around here before. Just then, God spoke one more time.
"Okay... just so there's no question
in your mind that it's Me speaking...
I don't want you to worry about that letter!
What better sign could I give to you than a dove?"
I know that the dove is symbolic of The Holy Spirit. There is no better sign. So I definitely won't be worrying about that letter. What letter was that? I do believe that it has slipped my mind already!