He's everywhere!
Have you noticed?
I was running a little late for church this morning. When I arrived, the service had already begun. The worship at Suncoast is much like a concert, thereby the lights were dimmed significantly in the sanctuary.
When I attend the Sunday morning service here, I always sit with my friends on the far left side, five or six rows back from the front. Today, however, they weren't there. I took a seat by myself, only to notice that they were sitting right up in the front row. I picked up my stuff and moved forward to join them.
We didn't say a word to each other until the service was over. The lights came up and Wendy threw her arms around my neck. "I've been reading your blog everyday," she said with a sniffle. "I just want you to know that God has had you on my heart and mind for several days now! I'm praying for you. You inspire me!"
What happened next was extraordinary! I could feel that coat of protection, over my heart, melting. It was dissolving in God's presence. You know... I was thinking my heart was pretty soft these days. I didn't think I had put up any walls. I didn't think that, until I felt the walls coming down.
Down. Down. Down.
With each tear she shed,
more of my heart opened up
to receive God's love.
Oh my gosh! The water faucets of my eyes started gushing tears. "Wendy!"
I shouted. "You're wrecking me!" She just hugged me tighter and we had a good cry together. I so love that girl! She is so sensitive, and today God anointed her tears to touch my heart in such a powerful way!
It was all good! Are you kidding me? I'll take that kind of wrecking any day. God is continually at work -- stripping away everything that gets in the way of my sensing His presence. I'm okay with that, because I don't want a hardened heart. I want a soft, supple heart that can feel what God feels. Watch out! All sorts of things will harden one's heart.
Just walking out the front door each day -
Turning on the television set,
Reading the newspaper, or Scrolling through facebook -
Life in general -- will harden your heart.
It will desensitize you to the
We need more Wendys to channel God's love through their hugs, tears and loving words. Their actions bring balance to all the obstruction the world dumps on us daily. I'm so glad God put Wendy in my path today! I needed and received everything God gave me through her. What's so remarkable is that she didn't even know that God was using her! Thank you Lord!
In RED shoes,