Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Red Shoe Project - Day 48...  I was out of the house, early this morning, and on my way to church. I didn't sleep well last night and as a result, I didn't feel so good. My mind was a little scattered. Afterwards,  I stopped by a little cafe - RED boots and all - hoping to find a quiet place to sit, eat breakfast and focus my delight on Him!  Ever since that amazing prayer time last week (See Day 43 - Feb. 12)  I've been closing in with God as often as possible. I find myself praying continually, under my breath, (in the Spirit and in the natural), hoping for more Divine touches of His glory!

The cafe was crowded, but there was one seat open, at the breakfast bar. As I looked over my shoulder at the long line of people waiting for tables,  I decided to go for it.  I sandwiched myself between two couples and smiled. To my right appeared a well dressed, elderly woman and her daughter, who were in the process of leaving.  She smiled and we exchanged a few kind words.  To my left was an older couple.  They were quiet, simple folk, each enjoying a big buckwheat pancake with blueberries and syrup.
Not that I need a lot of space, but I always feel a bit trapped, sitting at the counter, between people.  I quickly placed my order and determined, in my mind, that I wasn't going to let this "less than ideal" situation rush me. At some point, I realized that in talking with the woman on my right, I had turned my back slightly towards the couple on my left, and never turned back straight.  It was probably nothing at all, but I didn't want to appear rude, so I made it a point to shift myself back to center.  

With songs of praise running through my head, I sipped my tea and waited for my food to arrive. Usually I would have enjoyed a little people watching, but because of the set up, my view was the ice machine and half filled coffee pots.  I merely kept to myself and watched as the waitresses moved back and forth, in and out of the kitchen. 

Of course, the couple beside me were finishing up their pancakes, just as my breakfast arrived. And yes... that's when the conversation began.  The gentleman, sitting closest to me was quiet.  His wife did most of the talking.  He was smaller in stature, with an old man's shirt, (maybe it was flannel?), and a big bushy white beard.  He looked at me and smiled.  He had the most peaceful light blue eyes that just welcomed me to chat with him awhile.

Instead of minding my own business, I found myself turning in his direction, moving my plate, so I could eat as we talked.  He was delightful! I discovered that he was 85 years old. He had wonderful stories of growing up in Vermont, and walking two miles, one way, in the snow to school.  He even remembered when phones hung on the wall and you had to turn the crank and speak into a horn shaped receiver.  

As we chatted back and forth, a wonderful warmth came over me.  I could feel myself radiating joy from within.  It was like sunshine coming from my eyes. At the same time, I could see the love and happiness in this man's face.  What a wonderful encounter!  Ralph and June were their names. 

It dawned on me, afterwards, that God has poured great wealth into the lives of people all around me.  Their stories are valuable...  not just to them personally, but to me.   That's so easy to miss!  "Keeping to myself" only robs me of these precious experiences.

Later in the day, I was talking to the Lord about His power.  He knows I'm concerned that when I minister on His behalf, I've very aware of my own human limitations.  That's a nice way of saying I can't do miracles without Him.  Nobody knows better than I do,  that I have no power, in and of myself, to do anything for God.  And yes... as I step out to work for Him, that concerns me.  

He reminded me of a scripture that He spoke to me years ago... Acts 1:8  

"And you shall receive power 
when the Holy Ghost comes upon you..." 

With that, He assured me that when the appointed time comes, He will be there with me to see to it that His perfect will is accomplished.  But then he said more... 

"What you're really looking for, Gail, 
isn't The Power.  That's easy!  
What you're looking for is The Love. 
When you were talking to that old man today...
 that warmth that you experienced 
in that Divine encounter...   That's it!  
 You need to be able to walk in that Love continually." 

As I chatted with my friend later, I laughed, stating that when I'm in that "place of glory", I feel like I'm in "Lah Lah Land" - kind of floating along.

People might think I'm "out of it"... 
but no... the opposite is true... 
I'm actually "in it" or better yet, "in Him".  

That's what "being in the glory"   feels like. And maybe I'll get used to that.  Maybe it won't feel so uncommon after a while. Who knows?  Time will tell.  But I do know this:  There's no better place to be.

And with that, I look down at my RED boots and wonder,
"Will I  ever be able to wear any other color footwear again?
  Even more...
"Will I ever again be able to settle for living in anything but His Love?"  

I certainly hope not!
