My girlfriend picked me up early, and off we drove to facilitate our Tuesday Bible Study at the local bookstore. A wonderful, seasoned woman of God visited our group, and she brought along with her an amazing passion, a special word and a powerful prayer.
So... we were having a great study in God's Word, when all of a sudden, this special guest announced, "God's telling me we should pray, right now!" We went with it. We all stopped what we were doing, and moved into a circle of prayer.
BOOM! Within seconds, the Holy Spirit moved into that little room with us. You could feel His presence in such a powerful way! On the outside, all around me, the atmosphere dramatically changed, as God's Spirit rested on each and every one of us. The weight of the air got heavy as our hearts filled with wonder and anticipation. On the inside, I was shaking as the Spirit rumbled within me. I sat there in my chair, head down, praying quietly with words I did not know, tears dripping from my eyes onto the carpet below.
That's when it happened. I could hear everyone praying in the room, but at the same time, it seemed like I was miles away.... in a new Secret Place with God. Bellows of Love poured over me as He whispered to my mind indescribable words that filled my heart with a satisfaction that cannot be explained. I couldn't move.
Before long, I could hear some of the ladies around me beginning to talk. I sensed that they were going to move forward once again in their Bible study. But, Yeah... I wasn't going anywhere. There was no way I was going to leave that place, (wherever I was), No way. No how. Like a wave of glory moving with the tides, I sensed the Spirit moving away from me. "Don't leave me!" I shouted in my mind! And in rolled the wave of Love once again. Back and forth. Back and forth. Wave after wave of love moved upon me. Yeah... this was really nice!
Hating to leave that spot, but feeling myself being pulled back into the circle, I slowly opened my eyes. Next thing I knew, this special guest had me stand up so she could pray for me. I agreed. Why not? I was having a glorious time. I just stood there, closed my eyes, and immediately fell back into that place with God. One woman, standing next to me, commented... "What's going on? I'm getting woozie just standing next to her." LOL!
It was a good prayer... a very good prayer, with a word from God specific to me. Who was this woman? She didn't know me. She didn't know anything about me. But God used her to speak divine words of direction to me. When she was done, I opened my eyes.... "Filled to the Top" with God's Spirit. I don't think I have ever experienced something quite so POWERFUL in all my life! And as I read this, I think this description doesn't quite do the whole thing justice... but it's the best I can do with the words I have.
Yes, it was a glorious day, to say the least. I walked around "filled" all day and into the night. Something happened there in that little prayer room. It was so much more than a feeling. Perhaps my faith has expanded to a new size? Time will tell.

Oh Lord, Let it be.