As I took on the challenge and walked out the three mile course, God was faithful to fill my mind with person after person. I prayed for each one as they were brought to mind. For many my prayer was this...
- That they would sense God's presence in a powerful way.
- That they would hear God's voice, and respond accordingly.
- That somehow God would draw them in deeper, closer to Him.
- That He would be ever so real in their life.
- That they would make room for a greater relationship with Him.
- That He would work out His perfect will in them.
At one point, God brought a specific young man to mind who is currently in rehab. His name is Charlie. I prayed my heart out before God for his divine deliverance.
Oh that God might bring a strong Christian
into this young person's life with the
Then God asked me to petition my son, Joe, to partner with me in this prayerful endeavor. I called my son in Dallas and asked if he would agree with me in prayer for this young man's release from the bondage of drug addiction. He responded affirmatively and also offered to write to the young man as well. Perhaps God will use my son's testimony to reach Charlie. I know that whatever transpires between the two of them will be God induced -- because God has his eye on Charlie for a purpose. He has a plan for this young man's life. Will you take a moment and lift Charlie's name before God's throne today? I would appreciate your partnership in this matter.
God has sensitized my heart for those who are entangled in drug addiction. A sensitivity -- not to judge them -- but to intercede on their behalf. With that, God has also given me a holy boldness to claim them for Christ. The evil one of this world is determined to rob people of their lives... and one of the ways he does that best is with drugs. I don't know what they call it nowadays, but in the days of my own youth they referred to partying as "getting wasted!" How appropriate a term. Why oh why does the drug user not see that he or she is "wasting" their life away with drug use? It's not a joke. If it is... it's a bad joke and the joke is on them. The enemy has blinded them and deceived them into thinking it's all a big party! It's not because they are kids and don't know any better... because it's not just kids, and regardless, they do know better. It's because the devil is a liar and a deceiver. He's known to many as the "the father of lies" and he's come to "kill, steal and destroy" (John 10:10) your life -- my life -- the lives of those we love -- and the lives of those all around us. The Word of God says...
"The devil was a murderer from the beginning,
not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.
When he lies, he speaks his native language,
for he is a liar and the father of lies."
John 8:44
Drug addiction is his territory. It's his stomping ground. He knows all the ins and outs. And he's continually recruiting. But I've been recruited myself...
To go to the edge of Hell and proclaim freedom
over people's lives, in the Name of Jesus,
and to carry them back to the arms of Father God,
the One who loves them with a never-ending love,
so much so that He sent His Son,
Jesus, to die for their freedom.
"If the Son sets you free you will be free indeed!"